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October 30, 2023
by Elizabeth Pratt

a child with parent

Children Who Have Close Bond With Parents In Early Life Are More Prosocial In Later Years

October 30, 2023 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

a child with parent
Children who are close to their parents early in life are more likely to be kind, helpful and prosocial when they grow up. Researchers from the University of Cambridge found that children who had a strong bond with their parents early in their life were more likely to treat others kindly and act with empathy. [More]

January 28, 2023
by Elizabeth Pratt

a group of teens

Teens Who Feel Positive About Their Lives May Have Better Heart Health In Adulthood

January 28, 2023 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

a group of teens
Teenagers with positive psychological assets like optimism and feeling loved are more likely to reach their 20s and 30s in good cardiometabolic health. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that teens who felt happy, optimistic, had good self-esteem, felt loved and felt a sense of belonging had better cardiometabolic health later in life compared to their peers without these positive psychological assets. [More]

August 30, 2022
by Patricia Tomasi

bigstock people in the park happy fami 455827023

New Study Looks At Gendered Equity And Justice In The Planning Of Parks

August 30, 2022 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

bigstock people in the park happy fami 455827023
A new study published in the National Library of Medicine looked at gender and sex differences in urban greenness’ mental health benefits. “Our study examines articles that investigate the relationship between mental health outcomes and urban greenness with a deeper look into gender and sex differences associated with them as well as how gender and sex are used in environmental health literature,” study author Marta-Beatriz Fernandez Nunez told us. [More]