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August 31, 2022
by Elizabeth Pratt


Having A Partner Better For Avoiding Loneliness In Pandemic Than Having Children

August 31, 2022 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

Having a partner was more beneficial at avoiding loneliness during the first wave of COVID-19 than having children. Research published in the European Journal of Ageing found that whilst those without children and those without a partner were more likely to be lonely, those without a partner underwent a notable shift in their loneliness in the early stages of the pandemic. [More]

February 15, 2022
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Book Shines Light On Dissociative Identity Disorder

February 15, 2022 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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March 5th is Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day. Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID for short, is the body-mind response to chronic childhood trauma. When a child experiences abuse or other forms of trauma on a regular basis, often perpetrated by caregivers or loved ones, he/she has no escape and unconsciously draws on this coping strategy. A new memoir titled, Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory, by author, Lyn Barrett, looks at her life identifying and healing from DID. Barrett is a retired school teacher, principal, and pastor. [More]