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January 18, 2021
by Elizabeth Pratt


COVID-19 Made Mental Health Appointments Virtual, Many Patients Want It To Stay That Way

January 18, 2021 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

A year ago, trying to get patients at Michigan Medicine to agree to telehealth for their mental health appointments was a challenge. The academic medical centre associated with the University of Michigan had only 26 video appointments in a six month period compared with 30 thousand in person visits. COVID-19 changed all that. [More]

May 14, 2019
by Patricia Tomasi

virtual reality

New Study Shows How Virtual Reality Could Be Used In the Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia

May 14, 2019 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

virtual reality
A new study from the University of Waterloo, published in Scientific Reports, aimed to examine the way we learn to perceive the passage of time. Is time perception rigidly fixed in the brain, or is it flexible and open to change? If the latter, how rapidly can our brain adapt to changes in timing statistics? [More]

August 14, 2016
by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT

pokemon go

Pokemon Fever: A New Cultural Phenomenon Consuming Humanity

August 14, 2016 09:35 by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT   [About the Author]

pokemon go
In this era of mobile technology, video games have never been more popular. Among them, Pokemon by Nintendo is considered to be one of the most beloved games with the biggest fan base around the globe. Since its creation 17 years ago, Pokemon has dominated the field of mobile games, especially with the latest version of Pokemon Go [More]