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March 30, 2015
by Juliana Fruhling,MA-MFT, RCC


After We Are 'Mommy' and 'Daddy': The Truth About the Post-Parental Period

March 30, 2015 07:55 by Juliana Fruhling,MA-MFT, RCC  [About the Author]

Midlife, also known as middle-age, is by far the longest period of a person's life, due to a recent increase in lifespan thanks to healthier lifestyles and advances in medical care, but sadly it is commonly depicted in a negative light in our culture, especially during the post-parental period of midlife (McGoldrick, Carter & Garcia-Preto, 2011). Midlife crises, menopause, empty-nest syndrome, these are some of the things we think of when we think of midlife, which lends support to the negative view we have of it, and of aging in general. [More]

March 21, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

keepingthe loveand your sanity alive whenthe folks move in

Keeping the Love (and Your Sanity) Alive When the Folks Move In

March 21, 2014 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

keepingthe loveand your sanity alive whenthe folks move in
With marriage comes the thick and thin. Having your parents move in with you is most certainly in the “thick” category. Rather than stress yourself out and damage your marriage, follow some of these tips to keep the love alive. Once mom and dad are back on their feet, you can mark this down as another challenge you conquered together as a team. [More]