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January 31, 2024
by Elizabeth Pratt

a car crash with man on phone

People Recall Moments After A Distressing Event Better Than What Happens Before

January 31, 2024 23:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

a car crash with man on phone
People remember moments immediately after a distressing episode with more clarity than the moment preceding the distressing event. Research investigating memory and trauma published in Cognition and Emotion could help inform the approach to treating PTSD, assist clinicians in combating memory loss in Alzheimer’s and even improve evaluation of eyewitness testimonies. [More]

June 15, 2021
by Patricia Tomasi

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How Gender Differentiates The Impact Of Alcohol Use Disorder

June 15, 2021 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A recently published study looked at how brain responsivity to emotional faces differs in men and women with and without a history of alcohol use disorder (AUD). “We investigated brain activity in response to facial expressions,” study author Kayle S. Sawyer told us, “and how abnormalities in brain activity differed for men and women with a history of alcohol use disorder.” [More]

July 10, 2014
by Christie Hunter

the value of gardening for emotional health

The Value Of Gardening For Emotional Health

July 10, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

the value of gardening for emotional health
Emotionally healthy individuals have a firm control over their emotions and responses. These people better understand their surroundings and thus are better able to tackle challenging situations. These abilities give them the strength to quickly recover from setbacks and build strong relationships with others. There are few in the world who inherit this talent, otherwise it takes conscious efforts to build and sustain good emotional and mental health. [More]

February 17, 2014
by LuAnn Pierce, LCSW

9 21 13 families and trauma

How Trauma Affects Families

February 17, 2014 04:55 by LuAnn Pierce, LCSW  [About the Author]

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When trauma affects one person in a family, the whole family unit is affected. In fact, many professionals believe that anything that affects one person in a family (or couple) will also affect the other(s). It is easy to see how this could happen. A family is thought of a unit – one whole made of many parts. [More]