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February 4, 2015
by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception

New Ideas on the Link Between the Brain and Perception

February 4, 2015 07:55 by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC  [About the Author]

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception
When lovers recognize that the perceptions of self and their partners are unconscious representations of their dream love, self, and an idealized relationship being experienced as reality they can recreate the relationship of their dreams. When lovers become consciously aware of their perceptions, the origin of those perceptions, and the meaning of those perceptions, they can move toward the third stage of romantic relationship—The True Love Stage. [More]

January 21, 2015
by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd

mental healthand aging

Mental Health and Aging

January 21, 2015 07:55 by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd  [About the Author]

mental healthand aging
Not only are body functions affected by aging. Cognitive and emotional functions also fall prey to the aging process. The later years often bring on mental health problems for the first time in older people. According to Rollins (2008), Baby Boomers will largely ignore the past stigma associated with seeking help for emotional problems and will seek the therapy services they need to deal with the emotional aspects of aging. [More]

November 17, 2014
by Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD

how much fire is ok

How Much Fire is OK in Therapy Sessions?

November 17, 2014 07:55 by Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD  [About the Author]

how much fire is ok
How much passion should a psychologist have for clients' issues to get resolved? Therapy should be a place where you can discover different sides of yourself, and then work with your therapist to make sure that your needs get met in a way that makes space for diverse feelings. If it is a supportive and collaborative environment, therapy can be a great place to discover and make peace with different sides of yourself so that you can move forward in an integrated, self-aware manner. [More]

November 14, 2014
by David Porter, MA

journal writingasa therapeutic tool

Journal Writing as a Therapeutic Tool

November 14, 2014 04:55 by David Porter, MA  [About the Author]

journal writingasa therapeutic tool
Writing in a journal, or journaling, can serve as a valuable adjunct to psychotherapy. Keeping a journal is useful to gain and maintain perspective, to process stressors, generate ideas, and recognize functional and dysfunctional patterns in one's life. A journal can be a place for you to vent your emotions, and to take some private time every day to reflect on your life (Bodeeb, 2014). Journals can be used to record changes and milestones in life, and can also be passed on to the next generation as a part of family history. [More]

August 2, 2014
by Dr. DeeAnn Visk

schizophreniaand genetics

Schizophrenia and Genetics

August 2, 2014 04:55 by Dr. DeeAnn Visk  [About the Author]

schizophreniaand genetics
The classic sign of Schizophrenia is hearing voices that other people don’t hear. Schizophrenics may believe that others are reading their mind, controlling their thought, or plotting to harm them. Conversations with schizophrenics may not make a lot of sense. Because schizophrenics may sit for hours without moving or talking they may seem fine until they relate what they are thinking. Schizophrenia is a life-long debilitating disease that affects about 1% of all Americans. [More]

April 27, 2014
by Christie Hunter

psychologyof finding joyinthe mundane

Psychology of Finding Joy in the Mundane

April 27, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

psychologyof finding joyinthe mundane
Long-term happiness refers to the state in which a person starts finding satisfaction in ordinary things, as a result of the pleasant impact of some prior incident. However, the impact of any pleasant or unpleasant incident depends on the psychological state of a person. If the person is already depressed then he/she might envision the life in a different way than a person who is not going through any mental trauma. This does not mean that a depressed person cannot seek happiness from a pleasant incident, but for obvious reasons the level of happiness will be lesser than the person who is not depressed. [More]

April 26, 2014
by Christie Hunter

financial stress howto not get pulledinto consumerism

Financial Stress- How to Not Get Pulled into Consumerism

April 26, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

financial stress howto not get pulledinto consumerism
The “buy now and pay later” culture has left millions of people homeless. The culture of consumerism has impacted global economy in an unprecedented manner and according to capitalists has a culture can be considered as one of the biggest factors for ever worsening financial crisis. Not only it has impacted world’s market, but has also given rise to financial stress. People are getting into a habit of buying more than they need which ultimately leads to financial crisis. [More]

April 23, 2014
by Christie Hunter

the dangersof self diagnosisfor mental health

The Dangers of Self-Diagnosis for Mental Health

April 23, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

the dangersof self diagnosisfor mental health
With the open access to a pool of information, self-diagnosis has become a common practice. The practice becomes more dangerous than ever when it comes to mental health. This is because most mental diseases and psychological disorders have similar symptoms, and in most cases self-assessments lead to misdiagnosis.This article will guide readers through the dangers and stiff penalties associated with self-diagnosis. [More]