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October 20, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

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When Fertility Treatments Stop Because Of The Pandemic

October 20, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

bigstock happy married couple with prob 367134436
Infertility is defined as a person not being able to conceive or become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex. About one in six couples in Canada experience infertility. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, about 12 per cent of women aged 15-44 have difficulty becoming pregnant. Mental health struggles can follow a couple’s journey of attempting to become pregnant. Studies have shown that after one year of infertility, a woman is twice as likely to become depressed. Research has also shown that high anxiety can deter a woman’s changes of becoming pregnant. A new study published in PLOS One looked at the psychological impact of fertility treatment suspensions during the COVID-19 pandemic. [More]

July 16, 2014
by Christie Hunter

infertility hownottobe jealousof friendswhoaregetting pregnant

Infertility: How not to be Jealous of Friends who are getting Pregnant?

July 16, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

infertility hownottobe jealousof friendswhoaregetting pregnant
It is completely normal to envy your friend, relative, or coworker when she has something that you cannot have (at the moment!). Do not feel guilty of your negative feelings; you perhaps need some reassurance that ‘everything will be fine.’ It is frustrating when you are happy for a friend, yet sad for your own loss. This mental state makes it even more difficult to overcome and push away such feelings, as it is complicated to satisfy motherly and fatherly instincts. [More]