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February 9, 2015
by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd

is it depression or shyness in children

Is It Depression Or Shyness In Children?

February 9, 2015 07:55 by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd  [About the Author]

is it depression or shyness in children
Long thought to be a psychological disorder that occurred only in adults, depression now is diagnosed frequently in children under 10 years of age. As recently as 40 years ago, physicians doubted the existence of depression in children (Son & Kirchner, 2000). Now one study reported in American Family Physician (ibid) suggested 2% of children under the age of puberty can be diagnosed with some form of depression. [More]

November 2, 2012
by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.

11 2 12 how to avoid the fallacies of thanksgiving

How to Avoid the Fallacies of Thanksgiving

November 2, 2012 14:43 by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.  [About the Author]

11 2 12 how to avoid the fallacies of thanksgiving
The origins of Thanksgiving have nothing to do with a bunch of Indians and pilgrims sitting down for a bountiful feast of turkey. In reality although the settlers with pale faces had been bothering the Indians in addition to giving them many new diseases they had never had were starving by this time. The Indians took pity on them and brought them some corn and fish. Thanksgiving has a lot of emoti... [More]

April 26, 2010
by Debra Bacon

Debra Bacon

5 Exercises to Improve Communication

April 26, 2010 21:03 by Debra Bacon  [About the Author]

Debra Bacon
By Debra Bacon Contributor Simply defined Communication simply defined is: “the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.” Communication is very important in all aspects of our lives. The way we interact with our colleagues, peers and managers is important from a professional standpoint. Often, when considering impr... [More]

March 29, 2010
by Debra Bacon

Debra Bacon

Warning signs that your teen is on the wrong path

March 29, 2010 21:01 by Debra Bacon  [About the Author]

Debra Bacon
By Debra Bacon Contributor Relationships, hormones and pressures Teenage years are challenging for the teen and parents. Maintaining an open and communicative relationship with your teen is vital as they move through adolescence. Hormonal changes, mood swings and peer pressure are a part of the growth process, however, it is important to be aware of subtle, and overt signs that... [More]

March 22, 2010
by Debra Bacon

Debra Bacon

Protecting your child from bullying

March 22, 2010 14:28 by Debra Bacon  [About the Author]

Debra Bacon
By Debra Bacon Contributor Bullying: a new epidemic? Bullying is becoming an epidemic in our schools, cyberspace, parks and other areas where kids hang out. Its affect on children can be lasting, even following them into adulthood. It is vital to deal with bullying swiftly and lovingly. The times of a simple trip in the isle, just for the fun of it, between friends has passed... [More]