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July 15, 2015
by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate


Forgiveness is Not Defeat in Charleston

July 15, 2015 12:16 by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate  [About the Author]

In the aftermath of the stunning massacre of nine innocent people in a church in Charleston, America is left asking itself: what comes next? For the family members of those whose lives were lost, the answer came quickly - forgiveness. A few short days after the attack, sisters, children and grandchildren of the slain offered words of forgiveness for perpetrator Dylann Roof. [More]

February 19, 2015
by Tracy Busse, MA, LPC


The Atrocities of Boko Haram and Isis ARE Happening in America

February 19, 2015 07:55 by Tracy Busse, MA, LPC  [About the Author]

In the last year, the chilling actions of ISIS and Boko Haram have shocked many. Americans have questioned their barbaric practices and lack of regard for women. It is hard to imagine something like that happening in America. As stories of survivors are released, hearts sink when they hear of women and children being forced into marriage and raped by militants (Those, 2014). But what if these same injustices were happening in the United States? Perhaps they are. [More]

December 7, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

helpfor sexual assault victims

Help for Sexual Assault Victims

December 7, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

helpfor sexual assault victims
What do you think of when you hear the words "sexual assault?" What comes to your mind when you are talking about the issue? Is it something that comes up in conversation at all, or do you try to avoid it on a regular basis because it's such an uncomfortable topic to explore? Have you or a loved one experienced sexual assault? Sadly, many people in the United States and around the world have been affected by sexual assault, either because it has happened to them or because it has happened to someone that they love and care about. [More]