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February 10, 2015
by Karen Allen,MS, LMHC, CAMS, CHt

bigstock man reacts to headache 37689709

Anger Management in 2015- What the Brain Tells Us

February 10, 2015 07:55 by Karen Allen,MS, LMHC, CAMS, CHt  [About the Author]

bigstock man reacts to headache 37689709
Through anger management training people learn to recognize and become aware of their anger cues as well as the intensity of stress, irritation, and frustration. They also address the unresolved pain contributing to their anger, as anger tends to anesthetize painful feelings and provides an illusion of control, power, and strength. [More]

February 9, 2015
by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd

is it depression or shyness in children

Is It Depression Or Shyness In Children?

February 9, 2015 07:55 by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd  [About the Author]

is it depression or shyness in children
Long thought to be a psychological disorder that occurred only in adults, depression now is diagnosed frequently in children under 10 years of age. As recently as 40 years ago, physicians doubted the existence of depression in children (Son & Kirchner, 2000). Now one study reported in American Family Physician (ibid) suggested 2% of children under the age of puberty can be diagnosed with some form of depression. [More]

February 9, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

understandingthe roleof cognitive dissonancein addiction

Understanding the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

February 9, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

understandingthe roleof cognitive dissonancein addiction
Humans are fascinating, and sometimes baffling creatures. Psychologists have developed multitudes of theories about why we do the things we do. Their research helps us understand the connections between our thinking, our behavior, and our emotions. For example, why do we help a stranger even when it puts us in danger? Why do we do things that we know are bad for us? Why do we say one thing, and then do another? In addition to trying to answer questions like these, psychological research can also to help behavioral health professionals develop more effective treatments for mental illness and emotional distress. FB- If you have an addiction, you use cognitive dissonance every day even if you don't know it. Find out why and how you can manage it to your benefit. [More]

February 7, 2015
by Raushannah Johnson-Verwayne,Psy.D.

untreatedadhd whatsthe worst that could happen

Untreated ADHD: What's the Worst That Could Happen?

February 7, 2015 07:55 by Raushannah Johnson-Verwayne,Psy.D.  [About the Author]

untreatedadhd whatsthe worst that could happen
When children are appropriately diagnosed and treated, they can lead healthy, active, normal, fulfilling lives. They learn about their diagnosis and that having a disorder does not define them, they learn ways to control their behavior, they learn skills to prevent trouble, they learn self-control, and most of all they learn resilience. [More]

February 6, 2015
by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd

how sugaris harming us

How Sugar is Harming Us

February 6, 2015 07:55 by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd  [About the Author]

how sugaris harming us
Most of us would agree that we could be a little healthier; eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, get more sleep etc. But are we harming ourselves without realizing it through our high (and often hidden) sugar consumption? FB- Are you harming yourself without realizing it through your sugar consumption? Find out what a healthy intake looks like and how to identify hidden sugars in your diet. [More]

February 5, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

the scienceof mindfulnessand health

The Science of Mindfulness and Health

February 5, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

the scienceof mindfulnessand health
Taking the time to learn how to be more mindful is well worth the effort. Researchers are more interested than ever in how mindfulness and meditation affects our health and well-being. According to 2011 research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, there are several ways that mindfulness training can be good for our mental and physical health [More]

February 4, 2015
by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception

New Ideas on the Link Between the Brain and Perception

February 4, 2015 07:55 by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC  [About the Author]

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception
When lovers recognize that the perceptions of self and their partners are unconscious representations of their dream love, self, and an idealized relationship being experienced as reality they can recreate the relationship of their dreams. When lovers become consciously aware of their perceptions, the origin of those perceptions, and the meaning of those perceptions, they can move toward the third stage of romantic relationship—The True Love Stage. [More]

February 3, 2015
by Amy Berwick,PhD, LPC, NCC


Sexual Assault on College Campuses

February 3, 2015 07:55 by Amy Berwick,PhD, LPC, NCC  [About the Author]

January 28th, two former Vanderbilt football players were found guilty on all counts of aggravated rape of an unconscious woman. The details of the story as reported in the Tennessean (Barchenger & Walker, 2015) were horrific. The rape occurred 19 months ago. The football players had taken photos and video of their sadistic acts and shared them with friends. The victim, who had been drugged, was unaware that she had been assaulted until video surfaced. [More]

January 30, 2015
by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate

emotionally negotiatingthe adoptive process

Emotionally Negotiating the Adoptive Process

January 30, 2015 07:55 by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate  [About the Author]

emotionally negotiatingthe adoptive process
There is no doubt that adoption is an emotional process for families, from the initial decision to pursue adoption all the way through negotiating childrearing and adulthood. Adoption is not a simple process, but a complex series of interactions that can be frustrating and daunting. Emotionally fulfilling and at the same time taxing, adoptive families almost universally agree that it is an overall enriching life experience that they wouldn’t change. What’s perhaps most unexpected for families is how their experience of the process is emotionally so similar to that experience that their adoptive child experiences. [More]