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October 20, 2014
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

beyond bullying the long term effectsof hazing

Beyond Bullying: The Long-Term Effects of Hazing on Young Adults

October 20, 2014 18:25 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

beyond bullying the long term effectsof hazing
Hazing is a widespread problem impacting not only colleges and universities, but high schools, as well. Rites of passage and initiation rituals are nothing new, but some of the hazing that goes on is devastating for victims and their families, and even illegal. Both victims and those participating in perpetrating the hazing can experience significant psychological effects including trauma reactions and shame and guilt. Joining any group, team, or club should not mean sacrificing your physical or psychological health and well-being. [More]

October 20, 2014
by Christie Hunter

eight slogansfor teens that can change their life

Eight Slogans for Teens That Can Change Their Life

October 20, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

eight slogansfor teens that can change their life
Dr. Randall Green, PHD, LMFT, CAP, is not only an octogenarian (80-years-old); he is also 34-years sober. He recently stopped by a South Florida teen drug and alcohol addiction rehab to offer those in recovery eight slogans to live by that can change their life in a positive way. While the speech was presented at a teen alcohol and substance abuse treatment center and the speaker is a clinical director in the drug and alcohol industry, I thought his points resonate with all teens – whether or not they suffer from alcohol or substance abuse addiction. [More]

October 16, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

doesit matter whoisthe breadwinnerinthe family

Does it Matter Who is the Breadwinner in the Family?

October 16, 2014 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

doesit matter whoisthe breadwinnerinthe family
In today's world, as compared to 40 or 50 years ago, husbands are much more accepting of their wives being professionals and making money by working outside of the home. Gone are the days when men believed their wives should be home raising the kids and taking care of the house. Fast forward 30 to 40 years to the adult lives of those children who were at home with mom while dad was at work. There are still some men who think they should be the breadwinner in their family and that their wives should be home raising their children or working only part-time hours! These thoughts are due to the beliefs instilled into these men when they were young. They were home with their mothers while their fathers were working. [More]

October 15, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

how can diet affect mental health

How Can Diet Affect Mental Health?

October 15, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

how can diet affect mental health
Mental health is related to all areas of our health, and one of the things that frequently gets overlooked is how much your diet can affect your mental health. In this blog, I'm going to talk about how the things you eat can affect your mental health and how you can change your eating habits in order to make sure that you have optimum mental health when you're out accomplishing things and working hard. [More]

October 14, 2014
by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate

disability isnta bad word

Disability Isn't a Bad Word

October 14, 2014 04:55 by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate  [About the Author]

disability isnta bad word
Dealing with disability is a challenge, both for the person affected as well as those close to them, and even to strangers who come across individuals with disabilities in the wider world. It’s easy to look at someone who’s body or mind functions differently than what we are accustomed to interacting with and feel sorry for them. But being different doesn’t necessarily mean that being disabled is wrong. [More]

October 11, 2014
by David Porter, MA

cultural awarenessfor clinicians practicingin rural areas

Cultural Awareness for Clinicians Practicing in Rural Areas

October 11, 2014 09:55 by David Porter, MA  [About the Author]

cultural awarenessfor clinicians practicingin rural areas
Values, beliefs, and perspectives in rural areas differ from what is found in urban areas, including how mental illness and substance abuse are defined and treated. The rural environment poses unique treatment challenges, and ethical conundrums. The clinician, who works in these areas, particularly if they originate from and have been raised in an urban center, will have a greater chance of successfully delivering treatment if they are familiar with the cultural norms in rural areas. [More]

October 10, 2014
by David Porter, MA

lets not talk about itand maybeit wont happen

Let’s Not Talk about it and Maybe it Won’t Happen: Violence Toward Staff

October 10, 2014 18:55 by David Porter, MA  [About the Author]

lets not talk about itand maybeit wont happen
If you are a MH/SA staff, providing counseling, psychotherapy, case management, or medication to this population, there is a certain degree of risk involved. The risk is greater if you work with an offender population, and individuals with a history of violence. If proper precautions are taken, support and protection are provided from co-workers and the agency, proper training is received, and good judgment based on training and education are exercised, safety to staff, as well as patients and bystanders, is enhanced. However, improper handling will result in problems. FB- Mental health and substance abuse workers are unfortunately at risk for experiencing violence in the workplace. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself. [More]

October 10, 2014
by Caleen Martin

whytoomanychoicescancausemorepainforthosewith fibromyalgia

Why Too Many Choices Can Cause More Pain for Those with Fibromyalgia

October 10, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

whytoomanychoicescancausemorepainforthosewith fibromyalgia
If you’re like many of us who feel better being in control of the situation or tasks, you’re going to have to learn to let that control go. There are studies that indicate that when we physically feel signs stress and anxiety it is our body’s way of trying to tell us that we need to reach out to others. We need to let others know what is going on. We need to pay more attention to our body and what it is trying to tell us. We need to embrace ourselves, love ourselves and treat ourselves with the kindness and compassion that we so often give to others but forget to give ourselves. [More]