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July 22, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

whyare women attractedto bad boys

Why are Women Attracted to Bad Boys?

July 22, 2014 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

whyare women attractedto bad boys
Did you ever notice how a lot of sensible, responsible, accomplished women are attracted to "bad boys"? What is it that otherwise kind, quiet and conservative women see in rebels? There are many different variations of bad boys. There are the ones that are seriously b-a-d b-o-y-s who have regular problems with the law, use drugs, and are violent. [More]

July 21, 2014
by Caleen Martin


Creating your health miracle, how to stop contributing to your illness and take back control of your health and well-being

July 21, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

What would happen if you had the power to create your own health miracle? From the moment of my Fibromyalgia diagnosis I have been on a quest for information on this misunderstood chronic pain condition. I have accumulated lists of symptoms and research, medications and alternative treatments. My days revolve around constant debilitating pain which I fight every step of the way. [More]

July 20, 2014
by Cathy England, MA


Anxiety as a symptom of hyperthyroidism

July 20, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

It is not uncommon that anxiety problems are caused by physical illness, and it can sometimes be difficult for the professional provider to differentiate the two. It may be that treating the medical problem can alleviate the appearance of anxiety so that when the medical condition is treated, the anxiety symptoms may disappear. This is why it is important to have troublesome anxiety symptoms evaluated by a medical professional. Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition that commonly co-occurs with anxiety. [More]

July 19, 2014
by Christie Hunter

summer coming kids outof school howto avoid sibling rivalry

Summer Coming: Kids Out of School - How to Avoid Sibling Rivalry?

July 19, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

summer coming kids outof school howto avoid sibling rivalry
Just because parents love their children unconditionally does not necessarily mean that siblings also share the same level of affection. Kids fighting with one another can become a serious domestic problem when one child dominates or bullies the other persistently. While it seems like an ordinary everyday scenario, the situation can become complicated if not addressed in early stages. You can do several things, especially now when the summer is approaching and your kids will be spending much more time at home – with each other. [More]

July 18, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

keeping your friendswhen startinga new relationship

Keeping Your Friends when Starting a New Relationship

July 18, 2014 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

keeping your friendswhen startinga new relationship
Do you kick your friends to the curb when you are in a relationship and then expect them to be there for you when the relationship doesn't work out? If you do, you are treading on very thin ice. It is easy to have tunnel vision when a relationship is first starting and to spend all your time and put all your focus on your new-found beau. If you find yourself spending every waking minute (and every sleeping minute) with your new found love, you need to take a step back and rethink some things. [More]

July 17, 2014
by Christie Hunter

spring cleaning howto release old thingsyouhavebeenhangingontoboth physicallyand emotionally

Spring Cleaning: How to Release Old Things you have been hanging onto both Physically and Emotionally?

July 17, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

spring cleaning howto release old thingsyouhavebeenhangingontoboth physicallyand emotionally
Nature’s New Year begins with fresh flowers blooming to bring hope and happiness to this world. With such a wonderful beginning, life also gives us an opportunity to cast off all the negative memories and embrace good things. Let the spring light shine through your soul and clear away the shadows, which have been haunting you mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is the perfect time to shed the winter blues and come forward with a revitalized and reenergized mind. [More]

July 16, 2014
by Christie Hunter

infertility hownottobe jealousof friendswhoaregetting pregnant

Infertility: How not to be Jealous of Friends who are getting Pregnant?

July 16, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

infertility hownottobe jealousof friendswhoaregetting pregnant
It is completely normal to envy your friend, relative, or coworker when she has something that you cannot have (at the moment!). Do not feel guilty of your negative feelings; you perhaps need some reassurance that ‘everything will be fine.’ It is frustrating when you are happy for a friend, yet sad for your own loss. This mental state makes it even more difficult to overcome and push away such feelings, as it is complicated to satisfy motherly and fatherly instincts. [More]

July 15, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

shouldyou continue hanging outwith your ex

Should you Continue Hanging Out with Your Ex?

July 15, 2014 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

shouldyou continue hanging outwith your ex
Many people have had past relationships with individuals who shared similar interests and who were great companions. Some give credit to their exes for helping them through rough spots in their life, showing them they have worth, and/or being their "safety net". Sometimes when relationships end, people vow to remain friends, knowing that they are in a better place because of those now ended relationships. [More]

July 14, 2014
by Cathy England, MA

someofthe warning signsofa mental health emergency

Some of the Warning Signs of a Mental Health Emergency

July 14, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

someofthe warning signsofa mental health emergency
Mental health emergencies can occur both in individuals who are receiving treatment, and in those who have never had a mental health issue in the past. The difference between a need for treatment and an emergency can be difficult to discern. However, there are some well documented warning signs that can help to determine what type of intervention is best suited to an individual. [More]

July 13, 2014
by Christie Hunter

howtoavoid boredomthis summerfor kids psychologyof boredom

How to avoid Boredom this Summer for Kids: Psychology of Boredom

July 13, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

howtoavoid boredomthis summerfor kids psychologyof boredom
Educational psychologists believe that achievement gaps between average and brilliant students can be removed during the summer break. The difference is created when one group of children dedicates time to playing, reading, and live sports, while others vegetate on computer games and television. It’s not a child’s fault if they find video games more pleasurable; even an adult would gravitate towards such interactive screens. The focus should not only be on making physical activities more fun, but also to encourage kids to learn while playing. [More]