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December 19, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

what do i doif someone threatens suicide

What Do I Do if Someone Threatens Suicide?

December 19, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

what do i doif someone threatens suicide
Suicide is one of those things that many people don't like to talk about because it's a very painful thing to talk about. Some of us know people who have thought about suicide, or we may know someone who has attempted or succeeded at it. Because of that, it's more important than ever for us to understand how we can help people who are struggling through this painful thing. In this article, we're going to look at the reasons that someone would consider suicide and how you can help. [More]

December 16, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

howdo i motivate myself when i don t feel motivated

How do I Motivate Myself When I Don't Feel Motivated?

December 16, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

howdo i motivate myself when i don t feel motivated
We've all been there before. Times where we've felt like we can't even get out of bed, let alone do the things that we have to or want to do throughout the day. Motivation is hard sometimes, and trying to get ourselves motivated can be incredibly difficult if we aren't sure exactly where to start. But why do we have such a hard time getting motivated sometimes? What can we do in order to make sure that we are able to get on our feet and start our day in an effective manner? That's what we're going to look at today. [More]

December 9, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

whyisit importantfor meto love myself second picture

Why is it Important for Me to Love Myself?

December 9, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

whyisit importantfor meto love myself second picture
All of us have heard the old saying that it's important for us to love ourselves. Many of us, however, don't adhere to that in any way that is helpful to us or the people around us. Why do we have to do this? Isn't it just good enough that we love other people well? What in the world does loving myself have to do with anything? What if I think that I'm an unlovable person? These are the types of questions that come up when this topic comes up. [More]

November 30, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

dealingwith postpartum depression

Dealing with Postpartum Depression

November 30, 2014 07:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

dealingwith postpartum depression
One of the most joyful events that one can go through in their lifetime is having a child. Having a child is a wonderful thing, because you're bringing a life into the world and you are commissioned to take care of that child and love them. Obviously, some people aren't the best at that and they struggle with trying to go through with it, but in general, many mothers are ecstatic when their child is born. That being said, there are a lot of things that go on inside a woman's body before, during, and after pregnancy, and sometimes there can be mental health complications as a result of it. This is called postpartum ("after birth") depression. [More]

November 18, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

copingwith holiday stress

Coping with Holiday Stress

November 18, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

copingwith holiday stress
The holidays can be an incredibly stressful time of year, and because of that, it's important for us to get a grip on what is going on and figure out how we can take care of it in an effective and safe manner. Holidays are supposed to be enjoyed, but more often than not, they cause us to feel incredibly frazzled. Why are the holidays such a stressful time of year? What can we do in order to reduce the amount of stress we are feeling and enjoy the holidays in a healthy way once again? [More]

November 13, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

copingwith losing someoneto suicide

Coping with Losing Someone to Suicide

November 13, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

copingwith losing someoneto suicide
One of the most difficult things to deal with in life is losing someone that you love. But when they take their own life in some way, the suffering becomes that much worse for those left behind. Questions go through your mind and you aren't totally sure how to deal with it. And that's okay - it's hard to be the people that are left behind from such a painful experience. International Survivors of Suicide Day is November 15th, and this day is to help people realize that they are not alone in this journey, and that they do not need to feel afraid. [More]

October 28, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

can children be diagnosedwith mental health issues

Can Children Be Diagnosed with Mental Health Issues?

October 28, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

can children be diagnosedwith mental health issues
One of the most controversial topics out there today has to do with mental illness and its diagnosis in children. A lot of people claim that, especially in the United States, there are a lot of people that have been diagnosed with mental illnesses that really don't need the treatment that they are getting. Whether that is the truth or not (and it's likely not), the topic always comes back to children. Can children be diagnosed with mental health issues? [More]

October 2, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

medicinehas advancedbutdowe need it

Medicine Has Advanced But Do We Need It?

October 2, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

medicinehas advancedbutdowe need it
Medication is one of those hot topics that some people really don't like to talk about if they don't have to. Because of this, they find that it's really difficult to see why someone may need medication. Millions of people around the world take some sort of medication for mental illness, so if this is something that has come up with your psychiatrist or another mental health professional, it's nothing to be ashamed of. [More]

September 24, 2014
by Cathy England, MA

howto builda great support system

How to Build a Great Support System

September 24, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

howto builda great support system
Very often when you are faced with dealing with any type of mental health issue or severe stress, it can be easy to isolate yourself and try to handle things on your own. However, one of the best coping strategies is to build a multi-faceted support system that you can access whenever you may need it. Some of this support can come from social relationships, family, professional resources, or support groups. [More]

September 17, 2014
by Cathy England, MA

managing motivation when dealingwith depression

Managing Motivation When Dealing with Depression

September 17, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

managing motivation when dealingwith depression
Having a bout of depression in whatever form that takes, can take a toll on a person’s level of motivation. Sometimes it is not even a lack of motivation, the individual may want very much to get things accomplished, to mark things off of a list, or to meet a deadline. However, depression often makes even the smallest task or responsibility seem impossible. [More]