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September 15, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

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Is The Brain Able To Multitask Efficiently?

September 15, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

bigstock multitasking stressed busines 373462855
Are you a great multitasker? According to research studies, only two per cent of the population is actually proficient at multitasking. Considered an asset, especially in the workforce, studies are now finding that multitasking actually accounts for a 40 per cent drop in productivity, costing the U.S. economy $650 billion annually. It also results in a 10 per cent drop in IQ. But there are some of us that can do it successfully. So what makes the two per cent of the population who can multitask efficiently different from the rest of us? A new study published in eNeuro looked at the brain and multitasking to get a better sense of where in the brain these functions occur. [More]

August 16, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu


Friday Inspiration: Stop and Smell the Roses

August 16, 2013 08:10 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

You think you are good at it but did you know it could be hurting your health... Long day at the office, trying to get piles of work done between meetings and co-worker questions, lunch at your desk as you try to use each minute wisely so that you can rush home, as much as traffic will allow. As you wait in traffic, you try to plan dinner, thinking about what ingredients you have to work with and... [More]