September 20, 2013
by Christie Hunter
September is Childhood Obesity Month, and we're going straight after it. It's time to stop the excuses and tackle this epidemic head on. If you have a young child who is overweight, lets work together and change course. We will help you.
August 28, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu
Back to School Series:
There goes your child…. And most of your heart
We notice it on that first day of kindergarten, or the first time our kids ride their bike out of our sight, or want to walk to a friend’s house. That sense of pride, and joy mixed with a crushing sense of fear and loss, as we watch our children grow, and experience the normal independence that will eventually bri...
August 19, 2013
by Ashley Marie
Bullying is a concern for parents, teachers, and children. And this challenge is becoming evermore complex as traditional bullying behaviours are taking new forms on the Internet.
School will be in session again.
Mothers are scanning flyers from department stores to snatch the latest deal on school supplies. Fathers are planning their morning and afternoon pick-up and drop-off schedules. Girls ...
August 17, 2013
by Ashley Marie
Students, parents, and professors are gearing up for the start of another academic year. And so should you.
Therapists should pay special attention to the emotional and psychological stresses of academic life.
Recent studies suggest that approximately half of American students experience depression.[1]Tragically, some become so depressed to the point of committing suicide, which is the second ma...
August 4, 2013
by Ashley Marie
Back to School Series
The start of your college career is just around the corner. You’ve done your campus tour, been assigned your college dorm, signed up for your classes, said goodbye to your high school friends, listened to your parents cry as they anticipate your departure, and wondered what your life will be like as a college student.
Will you get along with your roommate? Will your ...
December 11, 2012
by Gloria Day
Well on the eve of Christmas I think it is timely that we deal with this chapter called “Boundaries and Your Family”
A few important things have stuck out for me in this section. Primarily, how we can make a change on the outside yet if the change is not in our hearts or in our minds or our values then it will only be actions and in fact, we will be easily swayed to the old way; as wel...
August 4, 2011
by Christie Hunter
By Tanya Glover Contributor
Once upon a time divorce was a very ugly and taboo word. Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s the word divorce was only whispered and a woman who was divorced was looked upon in a less then favorable light. You could sometimes overhear someone talking in hushed tones about the divorcee who just moved in next door and what type of person she must be. ...
March 29, 2010
by Debra Bacon
By Debra Bacon Contributor
Relationships, hormones and pressures
Teenage years are challenging for the teen and parents. Maintaining an open and communicative relationship with your teen is vital as they move through adolescence.
Hormonal changes, mood swings and peer pressure are a part of the growth process, however, it is important to be aware of subtle, and overt signs that...
March 22, 2010
by Debra Bacon
By Debra Bacon Contributor
Bullying: a new epidemic?
Bullying is becoming an epidemic in our schools, cyberspace, parks and other areas where kids hang out. Its affect on children can be lasting, even following them into adulthood. It is vital to deal with bullying swiftly and lovingly.
The times of a simple trip in the isle, just for the fun of it, between friends has passed...
September 7, 2009
by Donald Olund
By Don Olund, MA, LCPC, NCC
View Don's Profile
Raising a responsible teenager is a parent’s dream. Living with an irresponsible teenager is a parent’s nightmare! The task of raising teens today is challenging for some and frightening for others. Cyber-culture teens are exposed to multiple streams of information that shape identity and influence behavior. Face Book and My Space ar...