October 3, 2014
by Casey Truffo, LMFT
If you really take time to think about it, it's tough enough on kids to be the children of divorced parents. It's difficult for them to understand that it's okay to love both parents and to depend on both parents. Divorce hurts. Everyone in the family gets hurt to some extent. Sometimes the kids are scarred for years, especially if their parents are at war for a long time and are always fighting in front of them. Some studies have even shown that divorced parents who fight in front of their children can cause more harm to them than did the divorce itself.
Do you kick your friends to the curb when you are in a relationship and then expect them to be there for you when the relationship doesn't work out? If you do, you are treading on very thin ice. It is easy to have tunnel vision when a relationship is first starting and to spend all your time and put all your focus on your new-found beau. If you find yourself spending every waking minute (and every sleeping minute) with your new found love, you need to take a step back and rethink some things.
Many people have had past relationships with individuals who shared similar interests and who were great companions. Some give credit to their exes for helping them through rough spots in their life, showing them they have worth, and/or being their "safety net". Sometimes when relationships end, people vow to remain friends, knowing that they are in a better place because of those now ended relationships.
If you have been in an intimate relationship for any amount of time, you probably have several topics you have learned that you cannot talk about with your other half. Maybe you and your best friend support opposite political parties or you and your spouse disagree on how much time each of you should spend with friends or participating in hobbies alone, such as fishing, traveling, or crocheting. If you find yourself in similar situations, it is time to "agree to disagree."