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July 20, 2014
by Cathy England, MA


Anxiety as a symptom of hyperthyroidism

July 20, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

It is not uncommon that anxiety problems are caused by physical illness, and it can sometimes be difficult for the professional provider to differentiate the two. It may be that treating the medical problem can alleviate the appearance of anxiety so that when the medical condition is treated, the anxiety symptoms may disappear. This is why it is important to have troublesome anxiety symptoms evaluated by a medical professional. Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition that commonly co-occurs with anxiety. [More]

June 29, 2014
by Christie Hunter

the psychologyof loneliness

The Psychology of Loneliness

June 29, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

the psychologyof loneliness
There is no way a person can completely avoid stress, but an easy way to vent out depression is discussing problems with friends, family or an expert counselor. However, the extent to which a person interacts with others depends on his/her personality and communication skills. For example, an introvert finds it difficult to express his/her emotions as compared to an extrovert. Moreover, the impact of stress on mental and physical health also depends on the ability of a person to deal with stressful situations. FB- Despite social media, text, and email communications, people are lonely. In this article, Theravive discusses the causes, symptoms and impact of loneliness on human psychology and overall health [More]

April 23, 2014
by Christie Hunter

the dangersof self diagnosisfor mental health

The Dangers of Self-Diagnosis for Mental Health

April 23, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

the dangersof self diagnosisfor mental health
With the open access to a pool of information, self-diagnosis has become a common practice. The practice becomes more dangerous than ever when it comes to mental health. This is because most mental diseases and psychological disorders have similar symptoms, and in most cases self-assessments lead to misdiagnosis.This article will guide readers through the dangers and stiff penalties associated with self-diagnosis. [More]

January 22, 2014
by Cristina Rennie MA, RCC, CEIP – MH

trauma informed counselling four part series

Trauma Informed Counselling: Four Part Series

January 22, 2014 04:55 by Cristina Rennie MA, RCC, CEIP – MH  [About the Author]

trauma informed counselling four part series
Emotionally focused therapy proposes that emotions themselves have an innately adaptive potential that, if activated, can help clients change problematic emotional states or unwanted self-experiences. Emotions themselves do not inhibit the therapeutic process, but people’s perception is seen as the challenge that creates stuck-ness. [More]