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August 6, 2015
by Megan Lundgren, LMFT


Restoration Therapy: A Revolutionary New Model For Marriage Counseling?

August 6, 2015 11:00 by Megan Lundgren, LMFT  [About the Author]

After years of intensive counseling work with couples at a renown marriage retreat center in Texas, Dr. Terry Hargrave and co-author Terry Pfitzer pioneered Restoration Therapy and published their foundational book describing the concepts and techniques. Developed "from the tradition of Contextual Family Therapy, the Restoration approach provides the therapist with clarity of assessment of individual and relational issues yet utilizes sound mindfulness strategies to produce real and long-lasting systemic change," writes Hargrave. [More]

February 4, 2015
by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception

New Ideas on the Link Between the Brain and Perception

February 4, 2015 07:55 by Dr. Tony Victor D.Min., LCPC  [About the Author]

new ideasonthe link betweenthe brainand perception
When lovers recognize that the perceptions of self and their partners are unconscious representations of their dream love, self, and an idealized relationship being experienced as reality they can recreate the relationship of their dreams. When lovers become consciously aware of their perceptions, the origin of those perceptions, and the meaning of those perceptions, they can move toward the third stage of romantic relationship—The True Love Stage. [More]

November 22, 2013
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

couple proposal engagement happy ring

The Top 4 Things to Discuss Before Considering Marriage

November 22, 2013 04:55 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

couple proposal engagement happy ring
When people fall in love and begin to consider marriage, nothing seems less romantic than discussing the potentially thorny issues that are likely to crop up down the road as their relationship progresses. After all, isn’t a little mystery a good thing? No one wants to treat a future engagement or marriage as a potential business merger. [More]

September 27, 2013
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

couple nagging argue

Why Nagging Won't Get You What You Want

September 27, 2013 07:00 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

couple nagging argue
No relationship is perfect, and it's normal to want things to change for the better. But nagging almost never does the trick, and here is why. FB COMMENT: A relationship takes two people, and we all want to get our way at times. But when does persistence turn into nagging and why is it so harmful to a relationship? Therapist Casey Truffo, LMFT shares her valuable insight. [More]

August 20, 2013
by April Eldemire, LMFT


Where’s the Love Gone? And How to Fall Back in Love All Over Again

August 20, 2013 16:06 by April Eldemire, LMFT  [About the Author]

Where's the Love Gone? You don't know when it dawned on you that you and your partner were at odds with each other, avoiding the cues and rationalizing the disagreements, but at some point you realized, "Life is not so peachy any more." The peach days were vibrant- full of sweet exchanges, soft touches and loving gestures. You swore to yourself that there would never come a day when her touch woul... [More]