June 23, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi
A pair of new studies conducted on behalf of the not-for-profit Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) looked at how COVID-19 is affecting fathers in Canada. “The impact of stress resulting from an unexpected change on the health and well-being of men and fathers was under reported in the research and media landscape,” Joanne Watson of the CMHF told us. “We wanted to understand more than just anecdotal information, such that men, and fathers in particular, were being impacted by the public health measures, including the economic, social and cultural restrictions."
September 30, 2019
by Elizabeth Pratt
Not all parenting tasks are fun. Now researchers have found the context in which parents do childcare activities could impact happiness and stress levels.
June 16, 2019
by Elizabeth Pratt
Researchers have found the kind of time fathers spend with their children influences the strength of their relationship in the early years.
February 14, 2019
by Elizabeth Pratt
UK researchers have confirmed what many have always been thinking: mothers who work full time really are more stressed than their childless counterparts.
January 11, 2019
by Elizabeth Pratt
Thinking about having a second child? It may be more difficult than baby number one. Recent research has found having a second child doubles time pressure for parents and contributes to the deterioration of parents' mental health.
November 30, 2018
by Elizabeth Pratt
Many parents feel they need to shield their children from negative emotions, but recent research shows this may actually do more harm than good.
November 18, 2018
by Elizabeth Pratt
The American Academy of Paediatrics has issues new guidelines stating parents should not spank their children. Mental health experts have echoed the call, saying corporal punishment is ineffective and can be damaging to a child's mental health and development.
It is a well-known fact that parenting does not come with a manual of standard procedure (which would indeed be helpful) and at times, various topics arise which make parents second-guess themselves. Recently, the topic of praise and narcissism has been at the forefront of social media and sensationalized pop-culture blogs. However, what is missing is an expert opinion on the matter based upon a combination of empiricism and years of experience with hundreds, even thousands of children.
December 20, 2014
by Brenda Snyder, LCSW
Sometimes the very times that are SUPPOSED to make us the happiest evoke exactly the opposite. Anxiety and negative anticipation can virtually ruin your experience before it even gets here. As the leaves burn into their bright reds and golds, the taste of Fall’s fresh apple cider often turns to bitter vinegar in the stomachs of those who turn the calendar page and realize that the dreaded holiday season is soon upon us.
December 18, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA
The holiday season can be a difficult time for many of us, especially those of us who have family members and friends who we want to see and spend time with on a regular basis. That being said, there are a lot of things that we have to get done over the holiday season, and sometimes, we lose focus on what we should be focusing on during this time of year. We get so caught up in the excitement and the "doing" that we forget about the people that we love and want to be around on a regular basis.