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December 17, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Looks At The Effect Of Nature On The Mental Health Of Children

December 17, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in JAMA Network looked at a nature-based intervention and the mental health of schoolchildren. “We found that a 12-week nature-based intervention in Grades 5 and 6 did not lead to overall reductions in mental health symptoms, according to both per-protocol and intent-to-treat analyses,” study author Marie-Claude Geoffroy told us. [More]

February 27, 2023
by Elizabeth Pratt

a nature scene

Spending Time In Nature Close To Home Associated With Greater Sense Of Wellbeing

February 27, 2023 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

a nature scene
Enjoying time in nature close to home is associated with a greater sense of wellbeing compared with longer and more intense nature excursions. Research published in People and Nature found that nearby nature engagement had greater positive outcomes overall compared to experiencing nature second hand through media or through more strenuous excursions in nature. [More]

December 20, 2022
by Patricia Tomasi

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Can Bird Songs Alleviate Anxiety And Paranoia?

December 20, 2022 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in Scientific Reports looked at whether birdsongs can alleviate anxiety and paranoia in health participants. “The study is on the effects of environmental sounds on mental well-being,” study author Emil Stobbe told us. “Our physical environment can be categorized into natural and human-made (built/ urban) environments. Both of these surroundings contain auditory information that humans process in their daily life.” [More]