April 21, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi
A recent review published in the Journal of European Neuropsychopharmacology looked at nutritional psychiatry and whether mental health can be improved by what you eat. The popular press often provide advice to the general public about recommendations on how to improve one’s mental health by changing what we eat – specific diets, supplements or foods. A group of researchers wanted to set the record straight and explain in an informed balanced manner, the actual data behind common claims and misconceptions.
February 11, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi
You are what you eat or so the saying goes. But is it true? A new review published in the Journal of European Neuropsychopharmacology looked at nutritional psychiatry and what the research says about mental health and the food we consume. While there is data that shows an association between mental health and nutrition, research is lacking when it comes to causality.
October 25, 2018
by Tina Arnoldi
Patients with depression have higher inflammatory markers, leading researchers to study factors that indicate inflammatory pathways and treating depression through addressing inflammation.
October 15, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA
Mental health is related to all areas of our health, and one of the things that frequently gets overlooked is how much your diet can affect your mental health. In this blog, I'm going to talk about how the things you eat can affect your mental health and how you can change your eating habits in order to make sure that you have optimum mental health when you're out accomplishing things and working hard.
September 26, 2014
by Christie Hunter
Food provides us nutrition and satiates our hunger. As the primary energy source, the very act of consuming our food enables us to function and go about our daily regimen. The human body is no short of a marvel when it comes to converting the food we eat into the energy that we essentially require to survive.Metabolism is the process the human body has devised to break food into chemical compounds that extract the necessary nutrients that serve as the energy source the body harnesses to perform its various functions.
June 7, 2014
by Christie Hunter
Contrary to the perception that balanced nutrition is only important for physical health; it also plays a vital role in emotional well-being (Bamber, 2007).1 It is a fact that a number of people don’t know that nutrition plays a major role in preventing hormonal imbalances and ensuring good mental health. There is no denying the fact that factors like therapies, counseling and discussing problems with people are very important for peace of mind but without nutritional support, no therapy is effective enough to ensure complete mental health.
This article will discuss and highlight some of the major emotional issues due to malnutrition and highlight the importance of proper diet for improved mental health and emotional well-being.
March 23, 2014
by Christie Hunter
Despite the fact that children spend a large portion of their time at school and other activities, their foremost role models for food, health, and weight will always be their parents.Children mirror parental behaviors. The quality of those behaviors is more important than ever in light of the current Obesity crisis. Although many factors have contributed to the increase in American Obesity, the foremost important behaviors in the provision of a healthy food environment are to A) Eat at home, and B) Eat in Moderation.