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September 21, 2015
by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate

pope francis 1

The Papal Visit: Seismic Social Change and Theories of Human Development

September 21, 2015 04:13 by Autumn Robinson, MA, PhD Candidate  [About the Author]

pope francis 1
The Papal visit to North America in late September is expected to bring with it a wave of not only spiritual change but social change as well. More than any other pope in history, Pope Francis has proved to be concerned with the way in which his power is able to affect the lives of people across a broad swathe of society. This leader, who has cast himself as more than a spiritual guide and more than a political figurehead, is poised to offer a challenge to millions to change the way that they think about social justice, the way that they think about others, and even the way that they see themselves within their own world. [More]

May 17, 2015
by Carol Campbell, M.A


Riots Over Police Misconduct- Psychological Perspective

May 17, 2015 07:55 by Carol Campbell, M.A  [About the Author]

All across the United States, social justice protests in recent weeks have erupted into violent attacks on symbols of private property, authority, and power. Outrage at obvious racism embedded in police culture and government policies flashed through poor neighborhoods unwilling to tolerate another example of systematic contemptuous treatment of minorities by predominantly white police departments. Like a match set to gasoline, long suppressed pain and helplessness unleashed violent, out of control hatred. [More]