June 30, 2021
by Kimberly Lucey
Indianapolis Colts linebacker Darius Leonard says he went into a dark blur after his death, the toll affecting him not just mentallly, but physically. He lost weight, and dealt with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. A Kicking the Stigma virtual fundraiser this Spring raised $4.5 million to distribute to Indiana-based nonprofits that either provide mental health treatment services, or raise awareness about mental health.
April 2, 2021
by Kimberly Lucey
With many parents grappling with the decision over when to send their child back to school or keep them learning virtually at home, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published a study looking at the mental health effects of remote learning.
March 7, 2021
by Kimberly Lucey
A nation-wide Maternal Mental Health Month is coming up in May. Utah advocates say they hope other states will follow their initiative to focus local efforts on helping mothers, and bring more awareness to postpartum health issues and resources.
January 11, 2021
by Kimberly Lucey
Across the country, the New Year means some new laws take effect. These state laws affect how mental health treatment is covered, how schools tackle the issue with kids, and how to help patients in the future.
December 14, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
The pandemic has been trying for many people this year - compounding mental health issues for those already battling them, and unveiling new ones for people who may not have realized they were bubbling beneath the surface. Now, add in a holiday season away from friends and family, and things may get even tougher.
November 2, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain, a condition that has contributed to the opioid epidemic in the United States for the past three decades, costing the country billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. Now, a groundbreaking new study is showing yoga, meditation, and other forms of mindfulness-based stress reductions may help patients manage that pain.
September 28, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have turned to the outdoors for an escape. Some choose it for a change of scenery, fresh air, or exercise, while others are searching for a safe space to see friends and loved ones from a distance. Now, a study is showing the location where people choose to spend that outdoor time may play a big part in their mental well-being.
September 16, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
Already coping with isolation and performing at a high level while in the NBA playoff bubble, players are now also challenged with handling social justice issues, and using their platform for change.
June 12, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
In-person learning has been canceled for most students for more than two months now, and for students most in need of emotional support, missing the classroom may be taking a big toll. "Even before the pandemic there were a lot of students at risk", says Dr. Glenn Albright, Ph.D. "Anxiety, depression, and substance abuse disorders can grow when a child is in a home where they don't feel safe."
April 24, 2020
by Kimberly Lucey
Going to work every day to help save other people's lives, while putting their own on the line, is something first responders are faced with every day. But in the era of COVID-19 that daily risk is even higher, and now doctors and nurses are finding themselves on the front lines. The fear and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is taking a toll on everyone, but may hit these first responders especially hard.