Many believe in the perfect lives of those perceived to be at the top live perfect, effortless lives. The top 1%.
Bystanders have a tendency to equate monetary wealth, good looks, good connections, and charisma with “happily ever after”. Many of these observers would deny that there is any disadvantage to holding a position at the summit of the pedestal.
In the American culture, dealing with loss, especially death, is a theme that few know how to handle. How long do I mourn? Am I allowed to laugh? These are among the questions that arise. There is, of course, no consensus as to what is appropriate. It is hard for mourners to accept that often the direction is dependent on the beliefs of the survivor.
It has been asserted that one of the reasons that many individuals view those who are homeless with disdain is so that the observer can feel better about him/herself. These particular people, with no knowledge of the road that led to homelessness, assume that anyone without a sheltered residence is damaged and “less than”. They, can,(the judges) then, flatter themselves that they are substantial and first-rate.
Even if someone that we do not know insults us, it is likely that our feelings get hurt. Why? That individual doesn’t even know you. Why grant creditability to strangers?
There is a theory called “loss aversion”. Not every one agrees with this theory or, necessarily, believes that loss aversion is entirely to blame when one feels the sting of loss. Put simply, humans pay more attention to “losses” than to “wins”. In fact, each of these responses affect both brain and body.There are facts as well as speculation on the origin of this phenomenon.
What is evil? There are multiple lenses through which we can search for a definition: moral, spiritual, mystical, etc. When forced to choose a characterization of this trait there is no one description to rely upon. Evil is very much a subjective element that incites fear.
The media have been calling certain, trouble-making, obnoxious kinds of women “Karen”. Before we investigate the genesis of of “Karen” as an individual to be avoided by anyone who behooves in equality, there are other aspects of the permutation of this name to consider.
The brutal treatment of George Floyd that resulted in death has hit on a chord with far-reaching intensity. The specifics were revealed because Damella Frazier, 17, had the presence of mind to film the almost-unbelievable incident that occurred in Minneapolis on May 25,2020.
What is that? It is a line from Little Richard’s big hit song, “Tutti Frutti”. If this makes no sense, do yourself a favor and search for Richard on You Tube. It’s time you learned about Richard Wayne Penniman, aka Little Richard.
Across cultures it is accepted that it is a terrible thing to die alone. During the present covid-19 epidemic the televised vision of refrigerated trucks filled with the dead has been especially disturbing. Why is that? Of course it is tragic when large numbers of people die. It is also frightening. Part of what appears to be at play here is that the fear of being unknown and alone is projected on to what an individual,who is a witness, has conjured up in his/her mind as a picture of lives uncelebrated and discarded.