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September 27, 2018
by Hilda Huj

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Changing the Perspective on Addictions

September 27, 2018 10:48 by Hilda Huj  [About the Author]

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People who struggle with addictions are often marginalized, as stigma related to addictions appears to have become very strong over time. Due to the intensity of this stigma other related issues have arisen. Over time, these issues have escalated to a point of becoming a public health issue, as they have been contributing to high rates of death, incarceration, and mental health concerns among dependent populations. This is why changing our perspective on addictions is very important. pears t [More]

August 24, 2018
by Tina Arnoldi

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Debate Continues for South Carolina Compassionate Care Act

August 24, 2018 12:00 by Tina Arnoldi  [About the Author]

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The East Cooper Republican Club, near Charleston, South Carolina recently hosted a forum to discuss the passage of the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act, with Senator Tom Davis, Representatives Lin Bennett and Nancy Mace, Jill Swing, President, SC Compassionate Care Alliance, and Christopher Pelic, MD Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). [More]

June 29, 2018
by Robert Miskimon


Ibogaine: Cure or Curse for Addicts?

June 29, 2018 08:48 by Robert Miskimon  [About the Author]

Is it a miracle drug that can cure a range of addictions from heroin to nicotine, or does it amount to nothing more than "Russian roulette?" This little-known drug, if it lives up to its reputation, could open the door to a new approach to curing addictions and dealing with the "opioid epidemic." It's controversial and experts agree that more research into ibogaine is imperative. [More]

April 30, 2018
by Hilda Huj

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Sex Addiction Diagnoses Controversy Continues To Be Debated

April 30, 2018 09:26 by Hilda Huj  [About the Author]

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While there is currently no official diagnosis for individuals suffering from sex addiction, mental health professionals continue to debate and discuss whether it should be classified as a mental health disorder in the DSM. Psychologists and therapists report that in their work it's not so unusual to encounter individuals who experience significant disruptions in their functioning because of hypersexuality. [More]