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March 19, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Looks To Add Insight Into Gut-Brain Connection

March 19, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in Cell and Tissue Research looked at the identification of vagal afferent nerve endings in the mouse colon and their spatial relationship with enterochromaffin cells. “The purpose of this study was to identify for the first time, the sensory nerve endings of the vagus nerve in the inner lining (called the mucosa) of the colon,” study author Nick Spencer told us. [More]

January 31, 2024
by Elizabeth Pratt

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People Recall Moments After A Distressing Event Better Than What Happens Before

January 31, 2024 23:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

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People remember moments immediately after a distressing episode with more clarity than the moment preceding the distressing event. Research investigating memory and trauma published in Cognition and Emotion could help inform the approach to treating PTSD, assist clinicians in combating memory loss in Alzheimer’s and even improve evaluation of eyewitness testimonies. [More]

January 9, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Looks To Identify Regions In the Brain Where Anxiety-Associated Genes Are Expressed

January 9, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in the Journal of Translational Psychiatry looked at the spatiotemporal expression patterns of anxiety disorder-associated genes. “There are a substantial number of neuroimaging and microstimulation studies that identify neural circuits linked to anxiety as a trait or specific anxious behaviors such as pessimistic decision-making,” study author Kalyani B. Karunakaran told us. [More]

October 31, 2023
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Looks At Under-Diagnosis Of Autism

October 31, 2023 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in the Lancet looked at autism in England with regard to assessing under-diagnosis in a population-based cohort study of prospectively collected primary care data. “People often think of autism as a childhood condition, and historically, autism has mostly been diagnosed in children,” study author Elizabeth O’Nions told us. “Many autistic adults were not diagnosed when they were children, either because autism didn’t exist as a diagnosis when they were young, or the criteria were narrower, meaning that only a very small number of people were considered to be autistic at the time.” [More]

September 12, 2023
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Finds Children Can Recognize When Others Are Sick

September 12, 2023 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in the Journal of Child Development looked at infection detection in faces and children's development of pathogen avoidance. “We were interested in understanding whether children ages four to nine years old can avoid and recognize sick faces,” study author Tiffany S. Leung told us. “Previous studies have reported that adults can use faces to recognize when someone is sick and make judgements about whether to approach or avoid them." [More]

August 8, 2023
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Reveals People With Ongoing COVID-19 Symptoms Show Bigger Cognitive Deficits

August 8, 2023 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in the Lancet looked at the effects of COVID-19 on cognitive performance in a community-based cohort. “Many people report ongoing symptoms after COVID-19, including brain fog and problems with concentration, memory and attention,” study author Dr. Rose Penfold told us. “Previous research has shown that some of these people perform worse on cognitive testing. However, most of this research has been done in hospitalized patients who had more severe infection.” [More]

July 4, 2023
by Patricia Tomasi

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Can Reading Increase The Mental Health Of Teens?

July 4, 2023 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in the Journal of Psychological Medicine looked at early-initiated childhood reading for pleasure and its associations with better cognitive performance, mental well-being and brain structure in early teens. “I and my co-authors wanted to understand the effects of reading for pleasure in young children on brain structure, cognition, school academic achievement and mental health,” study author Barbara J. Shakahian told us. “Some of the previously published literature suggested that there should be beneficial effects on cognition, but there had not been a very large scale study, with over 10,000 adolescents before on all these measures together.” [More]