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August 12, 2014
by Caleen Martin


How Forgiveness Can Free our Emotional Heartache and Better our Health

August 12, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

Are you angry and bitter every time you think of someone who has wronged you? If so, you're human but also probably living a more stressful and unhealthy life than you need to be. The problem with allowing others to control our emotions is that we cannot control what others do. If someone doesn't live up to our standards and expectations we allow them to destroy our happiness. We think that they have to do something in order to allow us to move forward. [More]

August 6, 2014
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

personal authenticity going beyond justbeyourself

Personal Authenticity: Going Beyond “Just be yourself”

August 6, 2014 04:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

personal authenticity going beyond justbeyourself
You have probably heard people say things like “be real” and “just be yourself”, and ‘stay true to yourself”. This is common advice given to children and adults alike. It should be simple, right? Just be who you are. But, there is much more to it than that, and it takes real courage and strength to be your genuine self. [More]

August 3, 2014
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

grace under pressure the artof being unflappable

Grace Under Pressure: The Art of Being Unflappable

August 3, 2014 04:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

grace under pressure the artof being unflappable
Our personal lives and our work lives can be filled with tense moments, conflict, and competing demands. Life also delivers ups and downs in the form of job losses, cheating spouses, major illnesses, and death. Being able to manage these difficult times effectively requires skills that anyone can learn. Not only is being unflappable an admirable and beneficial quality in times of crisis, it can also be good for your mental health. [More]

July 21, 2014
by Caleen Martin


Creating your health miracle, how to stop contributing to your illness and take back control of your health and well-being

July 21, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

What would happen if you had the power to create your own health miracle? From the moment of my Fibromyalgia diagnosis I have been on a quest for information on this misunderstood chronic pain condition. I have accumulated lists of symptoms and research, medications and alternative treatments. My days revolve around constant debilitating pain which I fight every step of the way. [More]

July 10, 2014
by Christie Hunter

the value of gardening for emotional health

The Value Of Gardening For Emotional Health

July 10, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

the value of gardening for emotional health
Emotionally healthy individuals have a firm control over their emotions and responses. These people better understand their surroundings and thus are better able to tackle challenging situations. These abilities give them the strength to quickly recover from setbacks and build strong relationships with others. There are few in the world who inherit this talent, otherwise it takes conscious efforts to build and sustain good emotional and mental health. [More]

July 3, 2014
by Sheila Sayani, MA, MFT

practicing presence

Practicing Presence

July 3, 2014 04:55 by Sheila Sayani, MA, MFT  [About the Author]

practicing presence
How often can you say that you are fully present in the moment? It’s a hard question to answer, especially if you haven’t asked what that actually means. The ability to be in the moment involves attention and presence to experience a moment with all its fullness. That is, your mind, your body, and all your senses are focused in that moment. [More]

June 18, 2014
by Caleen Martin


5 steps to rid yourself of the uncomfortable feelings of extreme self-care.

June 18, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

Why is it that we are so good at caring for others and so dysfunctional when it comes to caring for ourselves? Our culture has trained us to be givers, not takers. The problem is that being the proverbial 'good girl/boy' will literally rob us of our lives. We find that we never seem to have time for ourselves, our relationships become one-sided and we become more resentful towards others over time. [More]

June 14, 2014
by Caleen Martin


Best tips for learning to love yourself

June 14, 2014 04:55 by Caleen Martin  [About the Author]

One of the most important parts of caring for yourself whether you are dealing with an illness or are healthy is to really love yourself. To accept yourself for exactly who you are with all of your flaws, your past mistakes, your challenges, your imperfections; this is the cornerstone to extreme self-care. When we can accept who we really are it naturally enhances our ability to speak up, be heard and communicate our needs in a loving and compassionate way. [More]

May 25, 2014
by Christie Hunter

introvertor extrovert how canit influence decision making abilities

Introvert or Extrovert- How Can it Influence Decision-Making Abilities?

May 25, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

introvertor extrovert how canit influence decision making abilities
Among many other factors like thinking abilities, leadership qualities, etc., introversion and extroversion also influences the decisions of a person. Both types of persons think in different ways and have different approach towards various aspects of life. According to Castro (2013)1, introverts and extroverts not only have differences in opinions, but their brains also operate in different ways. This is the reason that their approach towards dealing the same matter differs drastically. [More]

May 18, 2014
by Christie Hunter

are you too busy prioritize thingsand find joyinyour life

Are You Too Busy? Prioritize Things and Find Joy in your Life

May 18, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

are you too busy prioritize thingsand find joyinyour life
Prioritizing things is one of the most important aspects of time management. According to Meier (2010)1, by prioritizing tasks, one can focus on the targets of the day and plan strategically to achieve them. The author quoted that although prioritizing a to-do list is an ongoing activity, it allows people to make the most of their time. They can’t only manage their daily tasks, but can also find joy in their life. [More]