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August 24, 2018
by Tina Arnoldi

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Debate Continues for South Carolina Compassionate Care Act

August 24, 2018 12:00 by Tina Arnoldi  [About the Author]

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The East Cooper Republican Club, near Charleston, South Carolina recently hosted a forum to discuss the passage of the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act, with Senator Tom Davis, Representatives Lin Bennett and Nancy Mace, Jill Swing, President, SC Compassionate Care Alliance, and Christopher Pelic, MD Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). [More]

July 5, 2018
by Arthur Hunter

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Therapists Publicly Diagnosing President Trump May Be Raising Stigma

July 5, 2018 16:32 by Arthur Hunter  [About the Author]

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Thousands of psychologists have banded together against president Trump to diagnose him with a mental illness, and then to use that diagnoses against him to remove him from office. Some argue this is a risky path for the mental health community to be going down and that using the DSM-5 as a means to enact negative action against someone is the very act of stigma itself. [More]

May 14, 2018
by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW

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A New Memorial For Lynching Victims Raises Awareness

May 14, 2018 12:52 by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW  [About the Author]

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April 26, 2018, saw the actualization of a project that was started in 2010. This project is a national memorial for the countless victims of lynchings. A goal of the Memorial is the acknowledgment of this part the Nation’s history. It is understood, in psychological terms, that that which is not addressed cannot be healed. [More]

February 13, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Protecting prison inmate mental health is a priority in Canada

February 13, 2018 22:42 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Solitary confinement and mental wellness do not mix. In a groundbreaking move last month, Canada's Supreme Court ruled against the use of solitary confinement. And some states in the U.S. are also examining the negative effects to prisoners' mental health as a result of the practice and are making efforts to reduce inmates' increased levels of anxiety, depression and suicidal behaviors by reducing such isolation. [More]