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August 30, 2016
by Hilda Huj


Cyberbullying: The New Era of Bullying That Affects Us All

August 30, 2016 00:02 by Hilda Huj  [About the Author]

Bullying has been a social problem since the beginning of civilized men. Therefore, it is no surprise that there are many different definitions of bullying. However, generally speaking, we can define bullying as repeated intimidation, over time, of a physical, verbal, and psychological nature of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of people [More]

April 15, 2016
by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D

anger and abuse

Anger or Abuse - What's the Difference?

April 15, 2016 05:21 by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D  [About the Author]

anger and abuse
There are many types of abuse and all are difficult to endure. Physical, sexual, emotional, financial and verbal cruelties are among the various forms of mistreatment that our society faces daily. Another type of brutality that is widespread and difficult to address is domestic abuse. Domestic violence has been a concern in our society for decades. [More]