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March 29, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

financial feuds can loveand money coexist

Financial Feuds: Can Love and Money Coexist?

March 29, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

financial feuds can loveand money coexist
One of the biggest causes of conflict in relationships is differences in values, goals, and habits related to money, and communication about money issues. To keep a relationship happy and peaceful, it’s important for couples to understand their beliefs about money, learn how to talk about money, and learn how to align their financial goals. If you can do these things, you will be well on your way to having one less thing to argue about! [More]

March 22, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

helping childrenwith social anxiety

Helping Children with Social Anxiety

March 22, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

helping childrenwith social anxiety
If your child is struggling with Social Anxiety, it’s important to know that you are not alone. It is a very common disorder that can be treated effectively. Listening to your child, and providing support and encouragement will go a long way toward helping your child recover from this disorder. Social anxiety does not have to limit your child or keep them on the sidelines. [More]

March 1, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

counseling plus exercise a powerful combinationto combat depression

Counseling Plus Exercise: A Powerful Combination to Combat Depression

March 1, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

counseling plus exercise a powerful combinationto combat depression
Everyone gets depressed from time to time, and often it passes and our mood brightens again. But when struggling with clinical depression, your mood can be depressed for weeks, months, or even years, resulting in real loss of functioning and quality of life. Almost 1 in 10 Americans is affected by depression every year, and 17% of us will experience a major depressive episode at least one time in our life. Additionally, depression is a major cause of disability, with an annual cost of about $40 billion in lost productivity and treatment costs (Craft & Perna, 2004). [More]

February 28, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

vicarious traumaand behavioral health

Vicarious Trauma and Behavioral Health

February 28, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

vicarious traumaand behavioral health
Vicarious Trauma, also called compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, or secondary stress, is a type of trauma that sometimes occurs for people who helps others through very difficult situations and emotions. We know that this type of trauma is a risk for those in the helping professions, like counselors and first responders. But it is also possible for others who witness a traumatic event, or who are close to someone who has experienced trauma, to develop symptoms of Vicarious Trauma. [More]

February 9, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

understandingthe roleof cognitive dissonancein addiction

Understanding the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

February 9, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

understandingthe roleof cognitive dissonancein addiction
Humans are fascinating, and sometimes baffling creatures. Psychologists have developed multitudes of theories about why we do the things we do. Their research helps us understand the connections between our thinking, our behavior, and our emotions. For example, why do we help a stranger even when it puts us in danger? Why do we do things that we know are bad for us? Why do we say one thing, and then do another? In addition to trying to answer questions like these, psychological research can also to help behavioral health professionals develop more effective treatments for mental illness and emotional distress. FB- If you have an addiction, you use cognitive dissonance every day even if you don't know it. Find out why and how you can manage it to your benefit. [More]

February 5, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

the scienceof mindfulnessand health

The Science of Mindfulness and Health

February 5, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

the scienceof mindfulnessand health
Taking the time to learn how to be more mindful is well worth the effort. Researchers are more interested than ever in how mindfulness and meditation affects our health and well-being. According to 2011 research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, there are several ways that mindfulness training can be good for our mental and physical health [More]

January 29, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

violence stigma and mental illness understandingthe real connections

Violence, Stigma, and Mental Illness: Understanding the Real Connections

January 29, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

violence stigma and mental illness understandingthe real connections
Violence is a main cause of stigma toward people with mental illness, but lack of knowledge and education are also part of the problem. People with mental illness are no more likely to commit violent acts than anyone else, but when mental illness is present with substance abuse and a history of violence, that risk does increase. As a society, we must better understand and effectively address all causes of violence. [More]

January 27, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

recognizingand overcoming food addiction

Recognizing and Overcoming Food Addiction

January 27, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

recognizingand overcoming food addiction
Can we really become addicted to something we need to survive? First, we must understand what addiction is, and what it isn’t, to determine if eating behaviors and food can become addictions, with the symptoms and consequences associated with other types of addictions, like drug or alcohol addiction. Only then can we understand why many professionals believe that we can, indeed, become addicted to food. [More]

January 22, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

getthe sleep you need

Get the Sleep You Need for Better Memory & Better Mental Health

January 22, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

getthe sleep you need
Sleep shouldn’t be a luxury that we only grant ourselves on Saturday mornings. It’s a necessity if we want to have a healthy mind and body. Sleep gives us a chance to recharge, heal, and process our experiences. Lack of enough good quality sleep not only makes us grumpy, but it can also negatively impact our memory, our mood, and our overall health and well-being. [More]

January 20, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

eastern approachesto wellness moritaand naikan therapies

Eastern Approaches to Wellness: Morita and Naikan Therapies

January 20, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

eastern approachesto wellness moritaand naikan therapies
There are some eastern philosophies and treatments that aren’t as well known here in the west, but which may offer alternatives and help for those struggling with conditions like anxiety and depression. Two such approaches are Morita Therapy and Naikan Therapy, which both have their origins in Japan. With a little investigation, we can see that Japanese therapies like Morita and Naikan have different philosophies about why people suffer and develop symptoms of mental illness and how they can recover and feel better. [More]