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January 23, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Psychedelic drug therapy may soon be integral to mental health care

January 23, 2018 02:30 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Recent clinical trials using psychedelic drugs like MDMA to treat patients suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have shown some amazing results. With final testing now underway, the "psychedelic renaissance" may be on the horizon, potentially providing currently illegal drugs with new respect in the field of mental health care. [More]

January 19, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Loneliness sufferers experience increased mental and physical health issues

January 19, 2018 01:56 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Advances in medicine and technology continue to offer hope for longer, healthier lives while developments in technology make those lives easier. But all the improvements and progress have not yet helped find a cure for human loneliness, or a way to eliminate it altogether. Research shows a growing number of people across all ages experience detrimental effects of loneliness to their mental and physical wellbeing. In the year 2018, is a solution around the corner? [More]

January 11, 2018
by Tracey Block

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When technology contributes to mental illness

January 11, 2018 02:10 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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The goal of innovations in technology is to bring about positive change and improvements. But once time has passed and a new technology has become a part of daily life, the good and the bad become more apparent. In a recent letter to Apple Inc., major investors presented the company with their concerns over the addictive influence of iPhones and other electronic devices on the children and youth who use them. [More]

January 9, 2018
by Tracey Block

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The scent of a partner plays an important role in stress reduction

January 9, 2018 00:54 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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The human sense of smell is well recognized for its attachment to memory in the brain. The smell of cookies baking, the scent of a perfume or the bouquet of fresh-cut grass can quickly take one back to a past time or place. But now, researchers are realizing human olfactory cues can have incredible effects on stress levels, mood and overall mental health. [More]

January 5, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Where should the blame lie when suicides are posted on social media?

January 5, 2018 02:31 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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A recent video posting by an American social media celebrity has caused a public uproar. But researchers and mental health professionals are asking whether the finger pointing and outrage should be less about the people and technology producing the content—and more about facing the facts their videos illuminate: that suicides are still occurring at alarming rates. [More]

January 3, 2018
by Amy Rollo

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Positive Psychology Continues to Grow and Evolve

January 3, 2018 07:00 by Amy Rollo  [About the Author]

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Recently, there’s been a second wave of positive psychology; which has changed and grown into different forms. After the growth of Dr. Seligman’s positive psychology, researchers began to understand the limitations of focusing only on positive experiences. They noted that not all negative experiences and emotions are destructive or depleting. [More]

December 28, 2017
by Tracey Block

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Putting the Spotlight on Mental Illnesses

December 28, 2017 01:43 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Long before movies like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest" first hit theatres in 1975, films and TV programs have depicted stereotypes of people with mental illnesses, psychiatric wards and the professionals therein. But slowly, the pictures are changing to represent the real people struggling, surviving, and succeeding with mental challenges as part of their daily realities. And so, the Oscar goes to . . . [More]

December 28, 2017
by Tracey Block

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The answer may be just below the surface

December 28, 2017 01:04 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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For some sufferers of chronic depression, medications and psychotherapy bring no relief. For those people, researchers are looking at a completely different kind of treatment. And while drilling a hole into the brain may sound like something out of science fiction movies, it just might be the answer. The treatment requires a very small hole in the brain—but, it has been showing big results. [More]