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January 21, 2015
by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd

mental healthand aging

Mental Health and Aging

January 21, 2015 07:55 by Dr. C. Wayne Winkle,Phd  [About the Author]

mental healthand aging
Not only are body functions affected by aging. Cognitive and emotional functions also fall prey to the aging process. The later years often bring on mental health problems for the first time in older people. According to Rollins (2008), Baby Boomers will largely ignore the past stigma associated with seeking help for emotional problems and will seek the therapy services they need to deal with the emotional aspects of aging. [More]

January 5, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

the roleof dissociationin trauma ptsd

The Role of Dissociation in Trauma & PTSD

January 5, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

the roleof dissociationin trauma ptsd
The experience of trauma can result in painful psychological symptoms for some people. Every person is unique, and what may be a traumatic experience for one person, may not result in symptoms for another. It’s important for people to understand the signs and symptoms of what is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), so that treatment can be received as soon as possible. The symptoms of PTSD can range from mild to severe, and can be brief in nature or more long-term, depending on the individual and the type of trauma they have experienced. [More]

December 16, 2014
by Marti Wormuth, MA

howdo i motivate myself when i don t feel motivated

How do I Motivate Myself When I Don't Feel Motivated?

December 16, 2014 04:55 by Marti Wormuth, MA  [About the Author]

howdo i motivate myself when i don t feel motivated
We've all been there before. Times where we've felt like we can't even get out of bed, let alone do the things that we have to or want to do throughout the day. Motivation is hard sometimes, and trying to get ourselves motivated can be incredibly difficult if we aren't sure exactly where to start. But why do we have such a hard time getting motivated sometimes? What can we do in order to make sure that we are able to get on our feet and start our day in an effective manner? That's what we're going to look at today. [More]

August 27, 2014
by Cathy England, MA

effectively copingwith anxiety

Effectively Coping with Anxiety

August 27, 2014 04:55 by Cathy England, MA  [About the Author]

effectively copingwith anxiety
Anxiety is a common mental health concern. It is defined by Endler (1997), as being an emotion that is driven by fear. Anxiety can interfere with a person’s ability to function in daily activities, and can become so invasive in their lives that they may be unable to deal with work or school. When anxiety becomes this much of a problem, it is important to have strategies to decrease the anxiety. [More]

April 24, 2014
by Christie Hunter

confused about mental healthand autism

Confused About Mental Health and Autism

April 24, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

confused about mental healthand autism
People are confused about what autism spectrum disorder is at a time when the rate of diagnosis is increasing 30 percent every two years. This indicates the need for an in depth conversation that defines autism, explains its symptoms and raises awareness of its growing presence in North America. Autism is a multifaceted diagnosis with many categories. After all, it is a spectrum disorder meaning the term itself encompasses a range of behaviors, cognitive abilities and social skills. [More]

March 26, 2014
by Rosemary Fromson, MPCP, RPC, CCPCPR

professional womenand burnout

Professional Women and Burnout

March 26, 2014 04:55 by Rosemary Fromson, MPCP, RPC, CCPCPR  [About the Author]

professional womenand burnout
Women tend to strive more for excellence; to prove themselves. Not that men don't feel they need to prove themselves, but women have an extra push to show that they are smart, knowledgeable, capable, and able to handle just about anything and everything. Research shows that women are still not as "committed" as men. Women are often referred to as bossy when they are actually being assertive. [More]

January 3, 2014
by Christie Hunter

alzheimers disease delayingthe onsetisthe best lineof defense

Alzheimer’s Disease: Delaying the Onset is the Best Line of Defense

January 3, 2014 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

alzheimers disease delayingthe onsetisthe best lineof defense
Alzheimer’s Disease, a form of dementia, is a progressive brain disease and is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Sufferers live an average of eight years after symptoms become noticeable, but may live up to twenty years after symptoms manifest themselves. FB- Alzheimer's Disease is a scary word for aging adults and their loved ones. Learn the symptoms and multicomponent approach to battling this disease in this latest blog entry from Theravive. [More]