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December 14, 2018
by Tina Arnoldi

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Artificial Intelligence Bias and Mental Health Implications

December 14, 2018 09:35 by Tina Arnoldi  [About the Author]

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Machines do what we tell them to do so are we not responsible for bias? Headlines such as “Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women” imply the demographics of a team are very relevant to the users of these tools. If machines can discriminate, what are some considerations around bias and AI fairness when it comes to mental health? [More]

September 12, 2018
by Tina Arnoldi


The Possibilities of Chatbots as Therapists: A Replacement or Addition?

September 12, 2018 11:02 by Tina Arnoldi  [About the Author]

The World Health Organization believes that by the year 2030, mental health will be the most significant disease worldwide. And advances in technology are one way to extend the reach to patients that need help. Recent research found that chatbots, or conversational agents, cannot express empathy to the extent a human can and people appreciate the nuances from their peers. However, there is some benefit in the act of disclosing personal information - even to a computer. [More]

May 7, 2018
by Amy Rollo

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Using Play Therapy as Communication for Parents

May 7, 2018 12:06 by Amy Rollo  [About the Author]

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There are many different modalities of play therapy. While there are different types, all of the forms use play as the main form of communication. Play is thought to be a child’s natural language, so toys are an ordinary way for a child to communicate. Much research suggests that children 9 years and below can benefit from play therapy. [More]

March 29, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Industry Experts Discuss Taking Time off Work for Mental Health

March 29, 2018 17:03 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Have you ever taken time off from work because of a cold, flu or other physical ailment that needed attention? If so, you may have felt comfortable chatting about it when you returned to work—healthy and ready to get back at it. But the situation is often daunting for employees who need to take time off work for mental health illnesses—and then transition back into the workplace. How can you comfortably navigate information sharing about your mental health challenges at work? [More]