Find An Eating Disorder Therapist in Baltimore, MD.

Experienced counselors in Baltimore, MD for anorexia, bulimia, food aversion, orthorexia nervosa and other food issues.

Jennifer Beall, MS, NCC, LCPC, LCADC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Jennifer Beall, MS, NCC, LCPC, LCADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 21114 - Nearby to Baltimore.

We in the United States have a pretty unhealthy relationship with food. We go out to eat in a restaurant and are served a meal that has as much fat and calories as we're supposed to eat in a whole day, sometimes more. Then we look at a magazine or turn on the TV and see stick-thin models who look like they never eat. What are you supposed to do with that? We all need food to live, but most of us also feel like we're supposed to look like those models. We want to be perfect. We want to be in control. But so often we feel like we have no control at all. If you're ready to find a healthier, more manageable relationship with food, I'd love to help.

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.
Eating Disorder Counselor

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.

Clinical Psychologist, Licensed in Maryland and Virginia

Available for Online Therapy

Although different eating disorders spring from different issues, food is a basic emotional as well as physical need from the day you were born. We can use it to satisfy, temporarily many other needs. Or we can pridefully deny ourselves. In addition, we live in a culture that can have very harsh, judgmental attitudes about bodies, attitudes that we internalize without noticing. You may have been told that your body image is distorted, that other people do not see you the way you do. Self-acceptance is the beginning. It is not your fault you are in this condition, although it is your responsibility to get past it. The second step is self-observance, then self-love. I can help.

Laurie Levine, WWW
Eating Disorder Counselor

Laurie Levine, WWW


In 21111 - Nearby to Baltimore.

Eating disorders to include bulimia, anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder are all painful and complicated issues. I work with clients to heal in a shame-free environment. Both physical concerns of the body and emotional concerns of the heart are explored to help the client towards recovery. Often family members are involved in parts of the therapy to help the client in his or her healing process.

You Have Found Honest and Real Therapy for Food Issues in Baltimore, MD.

Are you ready to start on a new path? Thank you for visiting our Maryland search of licensed therapists in Baltimore who specialize and have experience treating food issues such as anorexia, over eating, food aversions, orthorexia nervosa and bulimia.  Food issues affect anyone, both children and adults and can impede our relationships and daily life. Counseling for help with food and eating is a vital component of healthy recovery and restoration. Find the right counselor for eating and food issues in Baltimore right now and begin your new life.

Baltimore is not part of any county and is located in Maryland. It has a land area of 80.94 square miles and a water area of 11.10 square miles.  The population of Baltimore is 621,849 people with 242,268 households and a median annual income of $42,241. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Baltimore, MD

Will need to budget

Mental health treatment and therapy in Baltimore is sometimes a struggle to afford for families and individuals without proper insurance coverage. Finances for many in Baltimore are not able to cover long term weekly counseling sessions without a budgetary plan in place. The good news is that therapists are often willing to work with you if accessibility is an issue. Low cost therapy and sliding scales are just some of the options that therapists can offer. Insurance may cover your sessions as well. Talk to your counselor to learn more. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Baltimore public health department.