Identity Issues

Identity Issues


Going through the transformation of self discovery can feel confusing although it's valuable to keep your mind open during this time and learn to accept change. An identity can adapt to many developmental tasks throughout your life. When you learn how to use awareness and make desirable decisions you will then be able to form and uncover your true identity.

We are not born with an identity because it is something that evolves over time. As we grow older we relate to people and mold into something we feel satisfied with. There are life events that can get in the way of this natural progression and our identities can stop growing naturally. Whether it is the result of a mistaken belief or a delay in development, identity issues can make it challenging to find a perspective in life. This issue can also create behavioral problems. By turning to therapy you can face these questions and learn how to build awareness as well as self-reflection. It's often that we acquire our identities through reflective tasks. A counselor is going to help you look at these tasks so that you understand furthermore how your identity relates to them.

When Identity Issues Become Unhealthy

These issues can become unhealthy when it causes you to have poor self-esteem. Insecurities might unravel when you believe that you have little to no worth. This may happen when people are critical toward you or if you are highly critical of yourself. If harsh judgment is present it can allow you to ignore real accomplishments and only look at what you feel you've failed in. In the case of an identity issue you may question whether or not you are good at anything that you perceive useful. Vacillation is a common product of identity issues as you may not feel in control of your lives or capable of making decisions. You might avoid circumstances and create a learned helplessness which causes depression. Those who have low self-efficacy within themselves often believe that they cannot alter their fate. Counseling has the power to help you by teaching you that you do have control over many aspects of your life which can also teach you about your own identity.

Identity Issues and External Relationships

As people are crossing into our paths at critical times it can either reinforce a value or eliminate it. We may experience detours with our identity in a negative or positive manner depending on the environment that we are in. Peers play very serious roles in our lives which is why it's important that we learn how to be more assertive when we are making critical decisions. If we are more forthright we will then be able to choose who we spend our time with and know why. While experiencing this identity issue it's easy to latch onto those who have the power to mold us - even if it isn't the best thing for our developmental process. Everyone has the power to influence our identity. The relationship that we have with our families can influence us to a greater extent. Although we all live within the same world with overlapping experiences, we are unique as we have the right to choose what does or does not impact us. It's important to build our identity exclusively and get help in answering any questions that we may have. When we make decisions in regards to the myriad aspects of our lives we will when then be able to build our own image.

How Therapy Can Help

Identity and belonging has encompassed civilization for generations and it remains a turning point. Therapy helps us go through the process of uncovering our identity by building self awareness. As we reveal interests, relationships or social activity the counselor can provide us with tools that help to reveal our true wants and desires. Our identity is a crucial part of our lives because it is the foundation off of which we make life-altering decisions. Counseling can also help us realize that in some situations we have to alter our identity depending on the environment and the people we are spending time with. We possess an internal desire to belong and will sacrifice ourselves in the process of doing so; when we are aware of our 'self' we can feel more in control. You'll benefit from learning tools that help you become more forthright in your decision-making and in tune with your innate desire. A counselor will help you embrace your differences and show you how to explore your own attitude by revealing insight and self-awareness. You can benefit from learning skills that teach you how to develop an identity. If you have to navigate through conflict in order to gain a sense of who you are, a therapist can guide you. You'll learn how to use techniques that help you become your own person without feeling pressured to conform to the standards of others.

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