Integrative Psychotherapy

Integrative Psychotherapy


Integrative psychotherapy is a form of treatment that focuses on the value of every person by unifying their attitude through spiritual unity. This refers to the coming together of the cognitive, physiological, behavioral and affective systems within the patient. It creates awareness in their surroundings and helps to develop each phase of their lives by heightening their behavior. Integration is a process that happens when the person begins to improve the way that they function in a sociopolitical manner. It pushes their limits and keeps them from feeling limited in life.

Goals of Integrative Psychotherapy

There are often life situations in which a person begins to experience growth in an area of their life. Integrative psychotherapy is used to smooth out the transitioning of stages. When someone is developing they may end up getting stuck in a stage because of a traumatic situation. One of the biggest sources of anxiety in an individual's life is the way that they see themselves and the person that they would like to be. It is an approach that focuses on healing the patient's life problems by helping them use the resources that they have available to them.

When is Integrative Psychotherapy Used?

Integrative Psychotherapy is used for those who are not exposed to the relationships that they want to have and need. The motivating factor behind our personal satisfaction is having our needs met and healthy relationships contribute to our overall satisfaction. Integrative Psychotherapy involves the awareness of our feelings, needs and desires. When we become fully aware of what we want and what we need we can begin to take steps and move closer towards those goals. This is used when an individual must integrate their sensory organs and shift their awareness to events that can bring them closer to complete satisfaction. Those who do not experience arousal are not satisfied and this can turn into discomfort which is apparent in behavioral activity. It often affects their ability to solve problems.

Integrative psychotherapy is used when a person needs to express their own uniqueness and obtain acceptance from others through self definition. This chosen identity may affect them to the extent that it takes purpose away from their lives. If they do not experience that acknowledgment it can have an adverse affect on them. Some individuals who are constantly in competition with others will compete to define themselves from the rest so that they can sustain their own integrity. Therapy can support the client's need for expression and normalize the definition for them. It is used commonly on those who want to impact another person's life in a certain way and attracts others attention by influencing that person's interest which in turn changes their behavior.

How Integrative Psychotherapy Works

Throughout the session a therapist will communicate with the client about their needs and some of the failures they may have experienced in past relationships – this is called attunement. Through attunement the therapist will study the client and their physical reactions to certain questions to see what life conflicts may have had an effect on the individual. The therapist will move through some of the patient's defenses that could have prevented them from being aware of the failures within a relationship. By doing this it provides the patient with safety and security. They will begin to remember some childhood experiences that may have been regressed.

Integrative psychotherapy focuses on relationships. The therapist is aware that individuals need relationships. The components of a relationship and how it enhances their lives are covered. The therapist will point out to the client that relational needs are a part of human desire and in order to obtain happiness the client will have to start facing some traumatic relationships that they had in the past.

The therapist will discuss security and speak about how we often protect ourselves from emotional and physical pain by avoiding social situations. Security is a result of vulnerability. By becoming aware of other people's needs for security within a relationship it will preserve the bond. This communicates in a nonverbal matter to the other person that their needs and feelings are normal. Stability is a component that is exaggerated upon because we all need one person in our lives that can provide stability to us regardless of how it is being provided. It is an emotional need for acceptance and dependence on another individual. Throughout the session the therapist will speak about how people search for protection by controlling other situations, which often results in protection from one's own mental exaggerations.


Humanistic and integrative therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Theory and method. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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