Academic Underachievement

Academic Underachievement

Academic Underachievement

Continually falling short of goals that you set can create confusion and insecurities that might change how you see yourself. Without validation from school or peers you might make assumptions toward your actual potential and abilities. If you feel like you're trying your best to achieve high standards but cannot seem to make progress it's probably causing a lot of distress.

Academic Underachievement is measured by the differences in IQ scores and grades. These tests and scores are used to theoretically determine intellect and potential. As a result of failed attempts it's common for students to become irritated toward the fact that they work hard but don't get rewarded for the way that they think and analyze studies. Who's to say that it has been adequately assessed? As a result of academic underachievement you may feel isolated from the majority and confused. This is common and there are ways to understand that the way your potential is measured doesn't define how capable you are of achieving greatness.

Challenges Faced by Academic Underachievement

If you are challenged by underachievement you may only face difficulty in an academic setting. If there are conflicting emotions and social stigmas it could be the result of you feeling inadequate. By remembering that everyone learns differently we can understand the confusion associated with underachievement. Einstein is a great example of someone who was highly creative and gifted but was also an underachiever in school. A lot of students who don't get good grades are extremely gifted and go about the learning process in a different way. You might challenge your self esteem and contributions to society because you are not achieving like you set out to do. Becoming aggressive toward family members and people in general is a common sign of frustration toward repeated failures. Many people who face underachievement can often set their standards too low or too high. Setting the bar too high can increase your chances of failure and in turn cause a lot of frustration. Many people who think this way are highly competitive and these feelings can also cause a lot of discouragement when failure occurs. When discouragement and insecurity is present it's normal to express anger toward others. You might also feel that you are unable to express a farfetched idea which can also cause aggressive behavior.

Academic Underachievement and External Relationships

The symptoms as a result of feeling inadequate create a lot of emotional confusion. If you are taking frustration out on other people or acting out in a social matter to make up for the disappointment, it may be hurting the people around you. It isn't the underachievement that affects relationships; it's the inadequacy that stems from it. By lashing out towards your peers you may be worsening the matter. If you don't feel secure with your abilities you are less likely to open up in relationships or make people feel good in return because you aren't satisfied with your own ability. It's also common that other people aren't aware of your frustrations in academics and assume that you are treating them a certain way for a different reason, which can damage their own self esteem. If you are acting out socially or rebelling to make up for a failure then you may be doing more damage to yourself than if you were to recognize how your behavior is making other people feel. In order to save relationships it is necessary to get help and understand how this condition works before assuming that what you are doing is wrong.

How Therapy can Help

Therapy focuses on creating a sense of empowerment by teaching you ownership and optimism. You'll learn how to set your own goals and change current destructive patterns. The counselor is going to focus on your psychoemotional development so that both of you can recognize areas of difficulty and learn how to go about the learning process in a different way. The therapist will acknowledge whether or not you have any fears or anxiety. These worries can often be resolved by becoming aware of your self-worth. You will learn how to evolve toward emotional maturity and fulfill a side of you that promotes success in life and relationships. You'll also come to discover that your problems may come from more emotion than logic. By exploring these underachievement circumstances you'll learn a lot more about yourself and how you process information. If you tend to resist conformity and response negatively to social feedback, the counselor will help you learn how to deal with emotional conflict so that it doesn't cause underachievement. Throughout counseling you will learn how to trust others, become aware of your own potential, build self confidence and improve your self esteem. All of these components will help you see who you are. By harnessing your drive and energy you will become aware of your own success and ability.

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