Attachment Issues



Feeling insecure and unable to communicate with your child because of attachment issues can feel traumatic. Forming a relationship with others while having reactive attachment disorder is even harder being that you are unable to communicate about what you need. In relationships such as these you can learn how to reverse the pattern and adopt a new form of expression by eliminating an unhealthy thought process.

If you are experiencing attachment issues it may be the result of a relationship that you had with your caregiver or parent. The way that you express emotions and hold relationships are the result of what you learned as a child. If you're the parent of a child who's experiencing this disorder it can be exhausting trying to form a deeper connection. Having an attachment disorder can make it difficult to connect to others and manage your emotions. This is the result of a negative experience within an earlier relationship. If you are the person dealing with the attachment you may be lacking the proper relationship building skills. With the right tools, patience and love you will learn how to reverse these habits and connect with other people in a healthy way instead of conditionally.

How Attachment Issues become Unhealthy

Attachment issues become unhealthy because it creates a one-sided relationship. It may cause you to be attracted to certain kinds of people or cause you to become too attached emotionally. You may feel as if you always need more attention because of the responses you didn’t receive as a child which has also caused identity issues. When you were younger you may not have had someone look at you or talk to you which caused you to feel alone. Being attached to people as an adult can be dangerous, especially if the relationship doesn't work in a systematic way. Even if the person is wrong for you, you might stay because you're afraid of being alone. Those who suffer from these symptoms may also have a fear of being abandoned due to past separations. Because this is such an intense and scary emotion you may do anything to keep the other person around. By attending counseling you can learn how to get rid of this innate fear and deep need for someone catering to your desires constantly. You will learn how to gain the strength and independence that you need so that you can form healthy relationships in the future.

How Attachment Issues Affect a Marriage

In a marriage institution it can be dangerous when one partner suffers from attachment issues. Marriage is made up of balance and meeting the expectations of others. In a relationship two people are supposed to meet the needs of each other and at times that requires the partners being away from one another. If the person with attachment issues has a hard time being away from their spouse due to a need for attention and fulfillment it can feel suffocating and eventually turn into something unhealthy. It may push the other spouse away or cause them to leave the relationship because they feel that they cannot meet the expectations of the other person. The relationship doesn't have to reach this point because therapy can focus on not only the attachment issues but a marriage so that the relationship can continue to work. This can also be a dangerous behavior toward a parent with attachment issues and their child. If the behavior is reflected toward children it will affect their own mental and emotional health. Although they may not be attached to the parent they can feel suffocated if they aren't getting enough of personal space. Counseling is effective and most helpful toward learning a new behavior which can be done after a sense of awareness has been created.

How Therapy Helps

Attachment issues are also referred to as Reactive Attachment Disorder. The therapy will either treat a parent who's dealing with a child's issues or an adult still facing childhood constraints. Counseling can successfully help you because it will educate you on the condition and why you or your children are feeling this way. By understanding the disorder you will have more compassion toward it. In the event of a child you can learn how to keep yourself away from an unhealthy pathology and seek immediate help. Therapy teaches consequential skills so that you or the child can learn how to regain control and create healthy bonds. By learning about attachment and relationships again you will also learn that current expectations are delusional. This teaches you how to use a sense of nurturing for control. The main topic during therapy for attachment issues in adults has to do with nonverbal communication and learning how to express themselves correctly for health in every relationship. As an adult your brain is shaped according to the relationship you had with your caregiver as a child. In order to reverse it you need to create verbal cues within a loving relationship and speak to the other person about your needs. When you can successfully recognize the unpleasant memories from your childhood and learn to eliminate insecure bonds you will be able to hold onto a relationship after reconstructing nonverbal communication skills. Treatment is extremely effective and it also acts as a support system for you while you're learning how to eliminate an old pattern of communication.

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