


If you are having a hard time letting go of personal items and collecting them is getting in the way of you caring for your security, it's imperative that you understand the intention behind these objects. Learning about the purpose that they serve within your life can help you discern your emotional needs and live without clutter.

Hoarding can be a pathological or compulsive behavior that consists of collecting a large number of items. Some of these material items have little to no value although they mean a great deal to the person doing the hoarding. A home may consist of severe cluttering which makes it difficult to function individually or as a family. They may experience some difficulty in work, social life and finances as a result of this disorganization. It isn't uncommon for people to find relief in this activity as they attach something important to the clutter. Due to this attachment it can be very hard to discard personal belongings. With the help of cognitive restructuring and therapy you can learn how to challenge these beliefs and discover the truth behind the need for objects.

When Hoarding Harms Someone

Hoarding can become harmful when it turns into behavioral avoidance. This response has the power to destroy a home and relationships. It causes the person to avoid making important decisions and they may also try to sidestep social interaction. They avoid the task of organizing their things which might be the product of suppressed feelings. Hoarding can become harmful when the person is unaware of why they are acting out in avoidance. Therapy can help treat this behavior by helping the person come to understand its significance and teach them how to use adaptive coping strategies instead of passive resistance. This compulsive activity can cause worsening insight in regards to symptoms and it can be difficult to get this person to attend treatment.

Effects of Hoarding on Other Relationships

Being that there is a lack of insight on the behalf of the person doing the hoarding it makes it extremely frustrating toward family members. It may reach the point in which relatives and loved ones are driven away completely. There are some family members that don't know what to do although they are truly concerned about this person. Clutter can cause family tension and even health issues within the home. The loss of a functional living space creates contention for families with the person doing the hoarding. A clean and comfortable home is important as it also plays a part in your health. This lack of living space can make it difficult for families to relax or take care of their hygiene. Some households have to end up investing in storage facilities and only hope that they can have some of their living space back. During this time the facilities may also become overrun with clutter. Loved ones become frustrated and overwhelmed for the safety of the person and relatives living within the home. Hoarding can also lead to more headaches or physical conditions due to the lack of health regime and accumulation of trash. The most hurtful aspect of hoarding is being unable to see how it damages feelings and close relationships. Reaching out to receive therapy during this time will help the hoarder understand why they are keeping these objects and what meaning they have attached to them.

How Therapy Can Help

With therapy the individual can learn how to attach a new light to the objects. The counselor will work to change these activities by helping the person build a reasonable judgment. Strategies can teach you how to discard objects without having to face intense emotions during the process. You and the counselor can create a plan together that reduces the risk of hoarding. By understanding the activity furthermore and talking about why it's painful you can create goals so that there are accomplishments to work toward. The counselor will be able to explain the difference between collecting items and hoarding them. Collecting consists of organization and the budgeting of time while hoarding causes discomfort and embarrassment (another reason why social interaction is avoided inside and outside of the home.) Getting rid of this clutter at the expensive of living is most important for health and safety reasons. Therapy is supportive because it creates an important awareness that promotes a sense of rationality. When the person doing the hoarding learns what value they are attaching to these objects they may become more in tune with their needs and start learning how to face feelings. Although it can take time to confront emotions, therapy mechanisms build a solid guideline. With professional assistance and support from loved ones this awareness can help the hoarder make safer decisions that are more beneficial to their ability to live constitutionally.

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