Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication


Marshall Rosenburg built the Nonviolent Communication therapy model which is based on helping the people around us improve their own lives if we also intend on fulfilling our wants, needs and desires. This is a perception that helps us clarify concepts that have to do with relationships and the trust or attitude that we have toward them. NVC structure focuses on improving personal tendencies and understanding why we may express ourselves the way that we do. These actions are often based on previous experiences. Nonviolent Communication assists us in getting to know who we are by being compassionate toward others. The therapy is built on harmony and wholeness which we can attract into our lives when we learn how to break down personal walls and be compassionate toward other people. The model is based on communicating our strengths to others regardless of the situation that we are going through. NVC helps us in looking at how we may be able to express ourselves through others instead of using automatic reactions in how we respond to unsatisfactory circumstances and relationships. Respect, honesty and clarity are associated with this model of therapy.

Goals of Nonviolent Communication

The goal of nonviolent communication is to get rid of anger and old patterns of defense. This was structured to minimize the amount of violent or cynical responses and allow the individual to focus on what can be controlled instead of judging the things that could potentially hurt them. These intentions are based on listening to others and to ourselves with respect, empathy and compassion. These patterns are reminders that we must keep our altruistic intentions which will help us stay focused and remain content.

When is Nonviolent Communication Used?

Nonviolent Communication is effective for those who find themselves being overly aggressive, defensive and on edge because of one reason or another. It could be anger that has built up inside someone and in turn it has taken a toll on relationships and personal circumstances. This person may have a difficult time trusting because they have dealt with an issue repeatedly, such as betrayal or defeat. It's common for many people to lose a sense of self when they have lost purpose. Happiness is found in the relationships that we have with others and when those relationships are betrayed repeatedly it may have an effect on our ability to open up and enjoy life.

Nonviolent communication is used when an individual has dealt with situations that may have resulted in anger and trust issues. It is often that when bridges are burned we lose the hope that we had inside of us before we knew what it felt like to be the victim. NVC helps bring us back to that freedom so that we can begin relieving ourselves of anger or frustration which can become conditional over time. By helping other people and allowing that compassion into our lives we will gain control and happiness.

How Nonviolent Communications Works

Nonviolent Communication works by teaching individuals how they can rebuild relationships with others and with themselves. This can improve an attitude dramatically by changing the way that relationships are managed. It works by possessing empathy, honesty and needs toward others. By living without judgment it contributes to empathy and altruism. NVC models that we eventually forget about compassion and expressing our genuine selves over time because of the hardships we endure. Through observation, feelings, needs and requests we have the ability to create a dialogue and respect for everyone. This is a mindset and action that will open up support systems and happiness.

By observing what is affecting our being we will gain awareness. Our needs revolve around what we value and want in life and that is connected to our feelings. The request element is when we ask ourselves to respond to our needs which in turn can enrich our lives and relationships. These steps are also longstanding tools. NVC can prevent anger and depression from taking over our being. It will improve our relationships with others and the way that we express altruism and compassion. Nonviolent Communication promotes honesty and prevents violence from taking over our perception as well as the relationships in our lives.

Criticisms of Nonviolent Communication

Experts have commented that nonviolent communication doesn't have enough evidence that can support the effectiveness claims. Some wonder what elements of this model depict nature, history and art accurately. It may lack the balance that humans possess which also protects them from people and things that could potentially harm them.


Nonviolent communication summary (nvc). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Transform your relationships using nonviolent communication. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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