


Experiencing underachievement can cause disappointment and make us feel frustrated if we are not accomplishing what we have set out to do repeatedly. When we fall short of our goals it's natural to want to do more and push harder. As we learn how to build an awareness of ourselves we will then be able to clarify why failures are occurring and how they are reducing our self worth.

Underachievement might be an indicator of both physical and emotional discomfort. Those who feel that they are not achieving their goals often assume that they are not doing something productive with their lives and this can end up leading to personal dissatisfaction. It can be difficult to know how to steer one's self rewardingly if we are constantly met with shortcomings. As a stress indicator this could be the result of false thinking. Even if you are highly productive and effective in what you do, it can be easy to see yourself as underachieving. When we learn how to create and maintain a rational destination we will then be able to see where we are wrong in our attempts.

How Underachievement Harms Someone

Underachievement can be damaging when it starts to cycle. If we try to achieve our goals and continue to fail, we might start to question what we are doing wrong. It's easy to assume that we are unable to do anything correctly. This can make us overcompensate and become frustrated toward the matter. It can turn into a cycle that transforms our personality and ability to tolerate standards. Underachievement can even make us feel isolated if we feel that we think differently than other people. Failures change the worth we see within ourselves and it can increase the anxiety that we have every time we have to take a test or perform. Repeatedly feeling this way can cause us to act out behaviorally and seek validation irrationally. The feeling becomes dangerous when we stop making personal goals and shape our self-esteem negatively.

Underachievement and External Relationships

Underachievement, disappointment and insecurities are related to each other. When we feel disappointed in ourselves we may grow more insecure toward what we are capable of. Believing that we are not as capable of others can cause other negative emotions such as jealousy, irritability and anger. It's easy to take this out on other people and it can change the relationships that we hold with friends and family. When we don't feel good enough it's natural to take it out on those closest to us. Feeling insecure can make us criticize others in an attempt to feel better about ourselves. Acting out can ruin a lot of meaningful relationships– when we are in need of a support system this is the wrong way to act toward shortcomings.

If you feel as if you are underachieving repeatedly and are comparing yourselves to others during this developmental time it can be dangerous to your self-esteem. By working with a counselor you can learn how to separate yourself from the expectations of others and modify standards so that you can reach each goal with time. You can avoid the feeling of failing by setting realistic expectations and smaller goals. There are a lot of us who aim too high and expect to arrive at our destination quickly. A therapist can help us to readjust this expectation and reduce the stress associated with our personal standards. Counseling shows us how to progress in a way that is contributive toward our perception.

How Therapy Can Help

Therapy will help you see whether or not you have rational expectations. If you are failing to meet the standards that you have set up for yourself then it might be necessary to look closely at what might actually be keeping you from achieving this goal. Did you truly fail at what you attempted to do? Sometimes we have to take smaller steps instead of big ones. There are different types of success which is also something we should consider as we develop and improve who we are.

Underachievement can be a result of poor planning or a lack of organization. Therapy helps us understand how to plan and remain organized as we are progressing. Learning productivity is half of being able to achieve our goals. It has a lot to do with managing our time well and a counselor can teach us skills so that we learn enhanced organization, bringing us closer toward accomplishing what we set out to do. Thinking negatively can increase anxiety and cause us to overcompensate in some of our attempts. There is some underachievement that is caused by uneasy feelings or depression. A therapist can teach you how to change your thinking and aspects of your life to improve this growth period and help you uncover a new and healthy perception.

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