Griot Circle


Since 1996, GRIOT Circle has provided a welcoming space, culturally sensitive services, and member-centered programming that affirm the lives of LGBTQ elders of color. GRIOT Circle currently serves over 500 members and growing as we increase our outreach and expand our programs. The services are largely provided in Brooklyn, N.Y. but members commute from all neighboring boroughs. GRIOT members range in age from their mid-50’s to late 80’s. Over 90 % of all members are from low-income households; over 65% are retired and live on fixed incomes. Based on a recent survey 90% of GRIOT members identify as being Black, African-American, or Caribbean-American, with the remaining 10% identifying as Latino/a, white, multiracial or other. While we focus on the needs of LGBT elders of color, GRIOT creates a welcoming environment for all people. Services and programs are open to everyone.