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September 27, 2013
by Casey Truffo, LMFT

couple nagging argue

Why Nagging Won't Get You What You Want

September 27, 2013 07:00 by Casey Truffo, LMFT  [About the Author]

couple nagging argue
No relationship is perfect, and it's normal to want things to change for the better. But nagging almost never does the trick, and here is why. FB COMMENT: A relationship takes two people, and we all want to get our way at times. But when does persistence turn into nagging and why is it so harmful to a relationship? Therapist Casey Truffo, LMFT shares her valuable insight. [More]

August 23, 2013
by Sheila Hutchinson, M.Ed.

zzz river 2

Forgiveness: Reflections on the movie “The Abyss”

August 23, 2013 18:57 by Sheila Hutchinson, M.Ed.  [About the Author]

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Directed by Canadian Film Maker Mr.James Cameron Like all great artists and masters of language, Mr. Cameron's genius opens up the deeper and sometimes hidden collective themes and truths of life. On the surface, "The Abyss" presents a good story filled with elements of mission, danger and risk. Basically the story is about a team of people on an undersea drilling rig who are asked by the milita... [More]