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August 5, 2016
by Henry M. Pittman, MA

edited drinking driving

Ubre Not Winning the Battle of Drunk Driving

August 5, 2016 08:01 by Henry M. Pittman, MA  [About the Author]

edited drinking driving
It’s Friday or Saturday night. It has been a long work week and one is looking forward to the weekend. A way to relax or reward oneself for the hard work one has put in generally is associated with a drink or two of an alcoholic beverage. No harm in that. The harm comes in when one has become intoxicated from the amount of alcohol he or she has consumed that night and decides to drive home under the influence. [More]

April 15, 2016
by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D

anger and abuse

Anger or Abuse - What's the Difference?

April 15, 2016 05:21 by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D  [About the Author]

anger and abuse
There are many types of abuse and all are difficult to endure. Physical, sexual, emotional, financial and verbal cruelties are among the various forms of mistreatment that our society faces daily. Another type of brutality that is widespread and difficult to address is domestic abuse. Domestic violence has been a concern in our society for decades. [More]

April 4, 2016
by Henry M. Pittman, MA

edited bigstock parental stress affects child 119335286

Unregulated Parental Emotions: The Deathly Outcome

April 4, 2016 16:03 by Henry M. Pittman, MA  [About the Author]

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Being a parent encounters great responsibility. The responsibility is not only great because you are caring for an infant or child that cannot tend to itself or protect itself. Responsibility is so great because the parent is responsible for the total development of the child. In order to be able to give a child the best they can have to develop into a responsible psychology healthy well-being, the parent has to be responsible for themselves as well. When parenting [More]