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July 9, 2018
by Patricia Tomasi

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Dads Who Don't Take Paternity Leave at Higher Risk for Paternal Postpartum Depression, Study Shows

July 9, 2018 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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Maternal postpartum depression, a mood disorder experienced by up to 20 per cent of women after they’ve had a baby, is also experienced by men in the form of paternal postpartum depression. Taking leave after the birth of a child may lower a father's risk of this serious, yet seldom reported condition. [More]

March 21, 2018
by Amy Rollo

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Compassion Fatigue Challenges Todays Caregivers

March 21, 2018 18:23 by Amy Rollo  [About the Author]

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Compassion fatigue is often described as a loss of caring about clients, often to a degree of feeling irritated by their problems (Brown, 2017). A person-centered approach is often noted as the foundation for any therapeutic relationship. A person-centered approach includes having unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence for a client. Compassion fatigue and person-centered therapy simply cannot go together. In fact, most experts would agree that the therapeutic relationship is the most important indicator for the likelihood of success in treatment. The question becomes how can therapists continue to practice to earn a living while also making themselves susceptible to compassion fatigue? [More]

February 7, 2018
by Tracey Block

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The Psychology of Centenarians

February 7, 2018 01:09 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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More people than ever before are living to age 100 and older. Is there a secret to their long life? For decades, scientists and researchers have examined genetics, diet and other lifestyle choices. But recently, studies are investigating the mental health of the very old in the world's population to see if the key to longevity may actually be psychological. [More]

March 21, 2017
by Hilda Huj

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Mental Health Illness: The State That Affects Us All

March 21, 2017 13:03 by Hilda Huj  [About the Author]

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We often talk about mental illness as something that only affects the person who is experiencing it. However, we often forget the other people who are affected by it - us. We may not experience a mental illness ourselves, but it is very likely that a family member, friend, or co-worker will experience difficulties related to the mental health illness. And, consequently, their experience of the mental health illness will affect us. No one's illness, whether physical or mental, affects only the individual and no one else. [More]

September 8, 2016
by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D

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Self-Care: Taking Care of the Caregiver

September 8, 2016 03:04 by Dr. Dawn Crosson,Psy.D  [About the Author]

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Self-care can be defined as healthy lifestyle changes and stress management behaviors. The term was coined by medical and mental health professionals and became popular in the 1980’s. It involves choosing behaviors to aid in moderating emotional and physical stressors (Mienecke, 2010). It also means to self-soothe and calm our physical and emotional stress. The practice of self-care can involve.... [More]