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April 14, 2016
by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW

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Jon Stewart and the Bull

April 14, 2016 18:42 by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW  [About the Author]

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On his program, The Daily Show, on Comedy Central, Jon Stewart put up with little or no “bull”. He gleefully punched holes in the comments of the pompous and hypocritical. He maintained an enthusiastic following for sixteen years. On April 1, 2016 (it was no April Fool’s joke) Jon changed his stance and went out of his way to save a bull named Frank.... [More]

April 10, 2016
by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT

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New Mainstream in Hollywood: Faith-based Films

April 10, 2016 16:10 by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT   [About the Author]

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Easter may have come and gone but its spirit only seems to be rising and expanding. The fervor is especially evident in the string of faith-based films released in recent years, steadily appealing to and supported by Christian movie-goers nationwide. The latest of these is “Miracles From Heaven” – a new release from Sony which is already making headlines... [More]

April 4, 2016
by Henry M. Pittman, MA

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Unregulated Parental Emotions: The Deathly Outcome

April 4, 2016 16:03 by Henry M. Pittman, MA  [About the Author]

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Being a parent encounters great responsibility. The responsibility is not only great because you are caring for an infant or child that cannot tend to itself or protect itself. Responsibility is so great because the parent is responsible for the total development of the child. In order to be able to give a child the best they can have to develop into a responsible psychology healthy well-being, the parent has to be responsible for themselves as well. When parenting [More]

February 22, 2016
by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT

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New Gene Findings Unravel the Mystery of Schizophrenia

February 22, 2016 00:53 by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT   [About the Author]

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Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe neurological brain disorder which can gravely affect a person’s functioning at many different levels. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 2.6 million Americans are affected by the illness whose debilitating challenges are often extended to their families. [More]