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January 27, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

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How Sugar Affects Your Brain

January 27, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

bigstock can pouring sugar stream in ca 270455395
How’s your New Year’s resolution diet coming along? This is about the time people start to fall off the wagon, if it hasn’t happened already. Have you been craving sugar? Has the yummy sweetness been your downfall? Well take heed. Researchers are finding sugar to be as addictive as drugs and alcohol so you've got a mighty opponent to contend with. A recent study published in Scientific Reports looked at the effects sugar can have on the brain. [More]

January 21, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

a kids

Are Young Children Capable Of Delayed Gratification?

January 21, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

a kids
Imagine this: You’re five years old and you've just been given your favorite treat. Maybe it's a marshmallow or maybe it’s a lollipop. Whatever it is, you want to devour it instantly but are told that if you wait a certain amount of time and don’t eat it until that certain amount of time is up, you’ll get another treat of the same variety, thereby increasing your tally to two treats. What would you do? What would you say a five-year-old would do? And why does it matter? [More]

January 14, 2020
by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW


Intermittent Fasting and Circadian Clock

January 14, 2020 09:45 by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW  [About the Author]

Just about all species — humans, animals, plants and some microbes are influenced by their circadian clock. The circadian clock controls every hormone. It is found in the hypothalamus and is called the suprachiasmatic nucleus which is a cluster of nerve cells. The circadian clock serves as a master clock in one’s anatomy. It coordinates every biological clock in the body in virtually every tissue and organ. The so-called intermittent fasting diet was the most popular dietary regimen in 2019. There are several avenues of approach to this method of eating. Some appear, scientifically, to provide a more successful experience than others. [More]

January 14, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

a depressed teen boy

Early Life Adversity Linked To Lower IQ And ADHD

January 14, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

a depressed teen boy
A recent study examined whether extreme adversity early in life can have a long-lasting impact on brain development. Previous research shows that early childhood adversity is linked to a higher risk for a wide range of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric problems later in life. This study examined whether early adversity is also linked to changes in brain structure and whether these brain changes can partly explain why some individuals develop persisting neurodevelopmental problems, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), following adversity while others do not [More]

January 7, 2020
by Patricia Tomasi

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Five Tips To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

January 7, 2020 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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The tradition of making new year's resolutions goes all the way back to the Babylonians in 1894 BC. At the start of the new year, the Babylonians would make promises to their gods, return borrowed items and pay off debts. New year's resolutions continue to be popular thousands of years later. According to a recent survey completed in December, one in three people in the U.S. said they would be making resolutions for 2020. The survey also listed the most popular. Here's how to make sure you keep your resolutions all year long. [More]