Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP

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  • WELL COACHED LIFE| Individuals | Couples | Youth
  • Phone: 16267883122
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  • Session Fees: 175/Session Schedule a free consult at wellcoachedlife.com
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  • This member is a featured provider of online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Email, Phone, IM, Webcam

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Jan 2 @ 5pm | Jan 4 @10am| Jan 7 @10am PST


If you are reading this, it is because you are at a moment in life where you are wanting better for yourself. Good for you! Now is the time to hook up your future self by investing in yourself today. Get ready to increase your life satisfaction, relational connections, happiness, and well-being.

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Contact us here or call/text 626. 788. 3122


If you want better in life and relationships, we can help. Our team of highly trained therapists and coaches are formally trained in approaches supported by clinical research for individuals, couples, and families. See our GRIT Kids Program to meet the needs of kids ages 2-12. Insurance: we only accept insurance from clients in California and provide a superbill.


View more about us here:






Let me guess. One partner feels alone and like they don't matter and the other feels they are always being criticized and can't get anything right. The more one asks for the other to show up, the more the partner disappears physically and emotionally and the idea of sitting and just hanging out seems elusive, if not impossible. Something like this?

Often we crave connection but are blocked by the pain and the history that gets in the way. Small fights about little things become battles that highlight our struggle to have our basic relational needs met. If you are struggling in your relationship, we can help you get under the bickering to the wounded and guarded parts to allow you to reconnect to the person you fell in love with. We pull from relationship models proven to be effective in helping relationships through research. If you are ready to do the work, we can help you cultivate a relationship beyond "fixes." A healthy relationship is one of the most life-giving experiences we can have.


I imagine you are looking for some help because you want better

  • better relationships

  • better coping strategies

  • better ways of managing emotions

  • better health and well-being in your body

  • just something better

Dysfunction is often rooted in stressful or traumatic events—whether egregious affronts or less overt encounters— whether we lived it or it is trauma passed down intergenerationally. These events can arise from, and manifest in, various areas of our life.

Parts of that story crystalize in our mind —in distracting memories, thoughts of self-doubt, or beliefs that result in questioning others.

This story becomes fixed in maladaptive behaviors—actions that seek to release or avoid tension or reject the inflexibility that the story creates.

Other parts of the story may get trapped in the body—transient pain, trouble sleeping, gut problems, or various medical problems like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disorders, and more.

The stories get caught in relationships— maladaptive patterns repeat, and people can struggle to establish and maintain deep human connection, or they can be wedged between the genuine desire for connection and the unabating fear of vulnerability

Our team of expert therapists and coaches pull from various evidence-based models to work with your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self, to allow you to find deep, authentic, and meaningful relationships and create and preserve a whole, happy, and thriving life.

GRIT Kids Youth and Family Program:

GRIT is the ability to sustain long-term goals in the face of adversity. Resilience becomes the byproduct, which is necessary for independence— and what more could we want for our children. Through curiosity about our thoughts and feelings, we grow the insight to develop, evolve, adapt and transform.

GRIT is designed to help you and your child cultivate self-awareness, target behavioral goals, develop emotion management, resolve stressful or traumatic experiences and more.

Our team of expert coaches offers in-home (or virtual) child coaching and parental support to help your child to cultivate self-awareness, target behavioral goals, develop emotion management, resolve stressful or traumatic experiences, and more.

See more at wellcoachedlife.com/Grit

Contact us here or call/text 626. 788. 3122



To affect change, promote acceptance, cultivate healing, and achieve restoration, we use cutting-edge, evidence-based, and integrative approaches that engage the body, mind, and spirit, and are directed towards the development of healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Our team holds multiple Doctorate and Master degrees. These include Psychology, which focuses on individuals; Marriage and Family Therapy, which emphasizes relational dynamics and family systems; Intercultural Studies, which recognizes the importance of cultural milieu; and Theology, which examines the human condition in the greater context of our humanity and the symbols and stories that inform and help shape a sense of transcendent meaning and purpose.

Our team's education also includes training in somatically oriented psychotherapies and the study of neurophysiology, all of which recognize that the human person doesn’t merely inhabit their body, they are their body. Together, these all combine to inform an integrated, holistic approach to seeing and understanding people.

Our team holds certifications or training in several modalities that support an integrative approach to coaching including:

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

  • Havening

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

  • Mindfulness and meditation practices

  • Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

  • Bodywork and touch work for trauma

  • Experiential work

  • Psychodrama


We strive to apply the most effective strategies when working with individuals and adapt a unique plan that accounts for culture, ability, and other areas of diversity. We offer sturdy compassion to those we are honored to collaborate with, regardless of how frustrating or horrific their stories are. We don't just have bodies. we are bodies. As such, we integrate the body, mind, and spirit in a person's process. It is within this sacred milieu that we affect change, promote acceptance, cultivate healing, and achieve restoration.

We practice alternative approaches to healing and work with others as a coach because traditional psychotherapy isn’t for everyone.

  1. Traditional psychotherapy places less value or weight on the importance of the body than we do.

  2. Not all individuals who want help living a better life have a mental health disorder and need a mental health provider.

  3. Often the people we see in our coaching practice have been in therapy for years and still are not where they want to be. This is where the integration of the body and spirit is so essential.

  4. Sometimes we are just naturally stuck and need help to achieve our goals.

  5. Sometimes coaching is a better fit. We integrate an individual’s body, mind, and spirit/spirituality because sometimes we are stuck in one or all of these vital areas of our experience.


Our clients usually have a history of trauma and have been seeing therapists most of their life. They often have medical issues and relational or marital difficulties and traditional therapy isn't offering the relief they need. Their physical, emotional and relational difficulties make sense.

We work with BIPOC and often work surrounding themes of intergenerational trauma. Trauma isn't always a direct experience. and we do not all experience the world in the same way.

Without insight into culturally-bound assumptions and privilege, BIPOC individuals can be encouraged to spend time identifying distortions based on normative reality—the provider’s reality—which often does not bring about truth or a safely livable outcome. It is an ongoing discipline to offer culturally-informed care and support, increase cultural humility, and further wrestle with our own privilege, identities, and judgments.


Session fees range between $100-350/session depending on session length and service.

We offer a sliding scale for

- BIPOC and other marginalized communities

- Veterans

- Individuals with disabilities

- Those with lower income


  • Moving past a traumatic or difficult experience

  • Relational difficulties

  • Spiritual struggles

  • Coping with stress or other difficult life circumstances

  • Managing a chronic medical condition (like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, restless leg)

  • Coping with a disability

  • Readjustment to civilian life for Veterans

  • Embodied racial or transgenerational trauma

  • Faith-integrated support


  • More emotional capacity

  • Better regulation and management of big emotions

  • Healthier relationships

  • Better sleep

  • Less pain and fatigue

  • More coping strategies

  • Better communication skills

  • More presence and self-awareness

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Contact us here or call/text 626. 788. 3122 

Well Coached Life Reaches

Santa Monica CA
Los Angeles CA

Clients throughout Texas
Clients throughout California
Clients throughout Massachusetts
Clients throughout Florida