Great Couples Counselling in Saint Prime, QC. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Saint Prime, Quebec. Discounts available (see profiles).

Bianca Pungartnik, MSc
Couples Counselor

Bianca Pungartnik, MSc

Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

Couples counseling with me focuses on improving communication, increasing intimacy, and building a strong, lasting relationship. I use the Gottman method, which is an evidence-based approach that has been proven to be effective in helping couples work through issues and strengthen their connection. This approach emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation of friendship, managing conflict effectively, and creating shared meaning in the relationship. Through counseling, couples can learn new skills to help them navigate challenges and deepen their bond. By working together, couples can improve their relationship satisfaction and build a fulfilling life together.

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Location: Saint Prime, Quebec

Saint Prime, Quebec

Still searching?   We want you to know we have GREAT therapists for you to speak with who practice online therapy.  There are many licensed therapists on Theravive who practice online.   Working with an E-Counsellor from Theravive is real therapy, not a quick gimmick or a chat app, but actual counselling governed by ethics and regulatory bodies.  Search our online therapists who provide professional counselling services over Skype, Email and/or Phone. All therapists on Theravive are licensed and registered professionals.

You Have Found The Best Couples Counsellors in Saint Prime, QC. Restore Your Relationship.

Thank you for visiting our Quebec search of licensed therapists for couples in Saint Prime who specialize in helping relationships and marriages heal and overcome division and hurt. Relationships are hard. Unless you are actively working towards coming together, by default you are drifting apart. It takes work. A licensed therapist is an expert at helping to untangle the mess that can develop when things go wrong. Find honest and effective couples Counselling in Saint Prime and renew your relationship.

Saint Prime is located in Quebec, Canada. It has a land area of 147.48 square kilometers.  The population of Saint Prime is 2,753 people with 1,137 households . The population ranking for Saint Prime is #1087 nationally and #296 for the province of Quebec with a density of 18.70 people per sq km. Saint Prime therapists serve postal code: G8J.