Bonnie Taylor, MSW, RSW

Bonnie Taylor View Specialties

  • Registered Social Worker; Psychotherapist
  • Waterloo , Ontario, N2L 2K2
  • Phone: (519)496-1584
  • Send A Message To Bonnie.
  • Session Fees: $135 for Individual Therapy; $155 for 2 Individuals and $165 for Families (more than 2 members)
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Phone, Webcam

Reaching out for Therapy can be a daunting experience, especially if you have never done this before.  When you notice that things in your life have become difficult to manage, it's helpful to work with someone out of your personal and professional life to be able to openly discuss your situation without feeling that you have to protect others from your pain and struggles.

Having an outside observer to your life situations can help you feel empowered to be honest with your feelings, to recognize the emotions that have been put aside for years, to share the physical and mental pain that may be coming out in unexpected ways.  When you notice that you have been struggling to mange emotions, feel unmotivated, lack direction and can't feel confident in being yourself, Bonnie can help to bring some order to the feelings of chaos, to develop some coping strategies to manage those feelings and work towards that goal of feeling more in control of your life.  

Life changes, planned and unexpected can elevate levels of stress and uncertainty, and Bonnie can help you to make sense of those feelings.   
-experiencing grief and loss
-starting a new career or planning for retirement
-occupational injury
starting or finishing school
-health and chronic pain issues
-engagement, marriage, separation, divorce
-family struggles

If you feel that you don't have anyone in your life that you really trust with your feelings, this can cause isolation and becoming withdrawn. When relationships with peers, co-workers and family members become distant or strained, this may cause stress and uncertainty of how to function.  

Many people struggle with symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief, fear and life dissatisfaction for years without ever discussing it with anyone.  Often it's not until the physical signs present themselves that the questions start being asked about anxiety, depression, stress.  Bonnie can help you learn ways to identify these signs early, manage anxiety and depression symptoms and feel that you've gained more control over your life.  Starting to look at overall levels of mental and physical wellness are important to create a balance that your body and mind require.

Bonnie would be glad to work with you to develop practical ways to mange the effects that stress, burnout, grief, life challenges, occupational stress and past trauma are presenting.  Bonnie has been supporting people with mental health, physical health issues, grief, occupational and operational stress, trauma and self acceptance for over 20 years.  Bonnie has seen the struggles people have endured in life and works with you to bring out your strengths, and most importantly, to find hope, self compassion, acceptance and an ability to build trust, not only those around you but in yourself.

Bonnie Taylor Reaches

Stratford ON
Waterloo ON